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In the wind!


Well-Known Member
Hey, Rick and anyone else running a short (14") slanted back windshield. How is the wind at speed? Rick, I noticed in some of your pics that the top of your head, about eye level, seems to be above the top edge of your short windshield. Is the wind bad or is it so minimal due to aerodynamics that it is a non issue?

As you know, I'm going with a chopped '32 grille shell and the chopped windshield is part of the look I'm after, so using the chopped windshield is a plus for that. However, if the wind is an issue, I guess I could go with the tall one. Personnaly, I guess the tall windshield issue would be for passenger comfort. I could handle a little wind, but a lot may be an issue with the better half.;)

I'm at my girlfriends, fathers farm, for Thanksgiving and I can't believe I'm thinking about hot rods. This is truly a sickness.:rolleyes:
Fred, I've had a ride in Rick's car and I can tell you as a passenger, it is a little windy. I'm only 5'-8" and my head was above the windshield. Maybe a 14" short windshield straight up might be better.

:funmeter2:Fred if you like to ride a motorcycle then the wind will be a non issue.As far as your better half my wife loves the wind in her face and the vibrations(i have to be delicate here)you know what they say about a women and motorcycle vibrations....yes i knew you would and the same goes for you also.So fret not my friend enjoy the freedom of the wind.
Thanks guys. Yea, I've ridden motorcycles and wind was a non issue because I was so busy looking cool. So, a T Bucket should be the same, maybe even more so. Now I'll have a reason to get a set of cool prescription sunglasses or the eyeglasses that darken in sun light.;) I just love when things work out in my favor. As for me lady, she'll probably be so busy telling me to slow down, that wind will be the last thing on her mind!:rolleyes:
Yea you'll dig the crap out of it.This year my riding garb will be(if i can find the stuff)Old style flat track motorcycle gogles(i had a 1948 pair that my brother liked so well that when he got killed i put them in his casket and 6 beers its pretty hot down there)A Bomber leather hat like snoopy and a scarf like snoopy.Then it will be time to lite um up
Rick said:
Yea you'll dig the crap out of it.This year my riding garb will be(if i can find the stuff)Old style flat track motorcycle gogles(i had a 1948 pair that my brother liked so well that when he got killed i put them in his casket and 6 beers its pretty hot down there)A Bomber leather hat like snoopy and a scarf like snoopy.Then it will be time to lite um up

Sounds cool! T Buckets always make me imagine them as the fighter plane of the hot rod world. You'll sure be dressing the part.:rolleyes:
A stock windsheild is around 21'' tall. If you take the hinge off and cut 2 3/4'' off both the top and bottom frames, you end up with a 16 1/2'' tall glass. If the seat riser is 3'' at the front and 1/2'' at the back with a 2'' seat cushon, you should be out of the wind. Even 6 foot plus guys can sit in this without looking over the glass.
Youngster said:
A stock windsheild is around 21'' tall. If you take the hinge off and cut 2 3/4'' off both the top and bottom frames, you end up with a 16 1/2'' tall glass. If the seat riser is 3'' at the front and 1/2'' at the back with a 2'' seat cushon, you should be out of the wind. Even 6 foot plus guys can sit in this without looking over the glass.

Thats fine if you have straight posts try that with the Performer style.16 1/2 would put my eyes at the top of the frame and i'm 6 foot,no bro your in the wind.I have the standard 14 inch windshield.


Rick...I understand what you're saying. I guess part of the problem here is that I'm not familar with the body you used. Could you tell me what the difference is between it and a stock one? It looks like the back panel is taller or are the sides are shorter. Thanks,Ron.
Both the sides are3 inches shorter and the back is 3 inches higher and slanted back the cowl is 21/2 lowerplus its 4 3/4 inch longer
Ahhhh...I see. That would make the difference. Thanks!
Youngster said:
Ahhhh...I see. That would make the difference. Thanks!

That's why I was curious as to why Total charges so much. It seems like all you would need to do is make sure you had the post in the right spots, mark for the holes and drill. The hole for the Tee nuts is counter sunk a bit to clear the outer edge where the teeth are.
One cent= Get tall w/s, take top half off, see if you like red,sunburn, flaking face skin, then put top half back on. We have one Snoopy looking bucket driver here, and he does look fairly RED always. :D
tfeverfred...Which body are you going to use, the stock type or the altered one?
Youngster said:
tfeverfred...Which body are you going to use, the stock type or the altered one?

Stock. The sides on the altered would be too low for me. I'm 6'3" and 5' of that is legs, but I'm skinny and flexable. Now if they would make a standard body with the high back, I'd be getting it. I sat in a couple standards and my knees were a little higher than the sides, but they both had kida thick seats. My knees should just barely show, if I get the seat how I like. I already drive my regular car with my left leg pulled back to the seat, so sitting like that in the T will be nothing new.
Fred... I don't mean to beat a dead horse, but....You should really give some thought to putting the wood in your body yourself. It's not hard to do. Kinda like a jigsaaw puzzle. When I've done it for others, I have them sit in the body and adjust the seat position to fit them. One of the guys was 6' 4'' and he drives his car a lot. Says it fits him better than his '81 Z-28 Camaro. Don over on RRR is very good at answering questions on the subject and I'd be more than happy to help any way I can.
:lol:You beat me to it! I think I'm going to do it myself. The more I look at the steps in the manual and talk with you guys, the more I know I can do it. I'll just have to measure twice and bond wood once.

As for the seat? You're right again. Due to my height, it only makes sence to build it to my specs.

Thanks again!:)

So, now the cost of my body just got a LOT better! (insert angelic chorus)
tfeverfred said:
:lol:You beat me to it! I think I'm going to do it myself. The more I look at the steps in the manual and talk with you guys, the more I know I can do it. I'll just have to measure twice and bond wood once.

As for the seat? You're right again. Due to my height, it only makes sence to build it to my specs.

Thanks again!:)

So, now the cost of my body just got a LOT better! (insert angelic chorus)

Well, a phone call kinda made my choice for me. I'll have to have Total install the wood kit and modify the seat bottom, IF I have to. I explained in my windshield thread. Thanks for the support, maybe next time I'll try it. I know I could do it, I just won't have the space right now.:sad: The difference in the cost of the body having them do it is $125. I can handle that for now. So, that makes the body I want $900 + frieght.
tfeverfred said:
Well, a phone call kinda made my choice for me. I'll have to have Total install the wood kit and modify the seat bottom, IF I have to. I explained in my windshield thread. Thanks for the support, maybe next time I'll try it. I know I could do it, I just won't have the space right now.:sad: The difference in the cost of the body having them do it is $125. I can handle that for now. So, that makes the body I want $900 + frieght.
Good choice brother.

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