Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               



I saw an interior that I'm looking into doing in mine. I cannot seem to locate the pics it. If anybody knows where I can find please let me know. It was white, pleated, had a built in Lumbar support across the whole cockpit. I think the foam was a type of "memory" foam. It looked to be on the thin side in thickness. I appreciate the help.

Ours is white, but not exactly how you decribed. My Son bought a TP kit and it was the hardest install we have ever done. Foam was 4 times too thick and we went out and bought matching vinyl to redo most of it. We finally got it to be ok, but it took 3 of us 4 days to do. Should have gone to an upholstery shop and had them just do it from scratch.

There are 2 things that make an immediate impression on me when I first see a car.

The first is how it appears coming straight at me. Do the components go to gether? Is there a good balance in the parts used?

The second is the interior. Dose it have a smooth, neat look? No rough edges.

That interior is in Delaware Bill's bucket. He's on the NTBA and will answer all questions about it. That's how mine will end up, one day when I have the bucks for it. That's one of the most comfortable looking interiors I have seen.
PaulR said:

THAT'S IT!!!:D Thanks.


Your welcom Paul. As Fred said that is Delaware Bill's interior in his rod. He is all over the place with great advice and answers to any question you have. Bill has answered so many of my questions and has even sent me instructions on how he built his interior. Fred has great information also. I could go on and on with all of the great guys on here, but that woudl take way to long.
Don that interior looks great, don't mind me asking, what color is that body? Thats the color my wife wants ours.
I was wondering if there was any way I could get these Instructions sent to me? I am pondering how I want the interior in my bucket and I really like the look of Bill's.
Instructions, I'd like a copy of them, Please....????
I'm thinking of going with a smooth, tan interior, like Deleware Bills.


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