Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

It Lives


Last weekend i temp wired added some gauges for safety and she fired up and i couldnt stop grinning 51 on the outside 19 on the inside. click on the link to see
The body goes to the painter next week black with pearl ghost flames. He said 10 coats of clear will do it {i think i peeded a little when he said that}. Come on spring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hey Rooster, pretty ironic I did the same with mine last weekend. Started up for a few minutes, I had it backed in & I was getting gased pretty good by all the fumes plus it was raining outside so I shut it down. Couldn't wait to work on it this week but now it's about 10 degrees outside so it looks like I'll be looking for some kind of heat for the storage unit it's in. I guess that's live in northwest indiana. I already have it painted though just making sure everything is ok before putting body. Everything look'in good on your build. Lar:)
I went to Lowes and picked up a small infrared heater 30.00 for my grill propane botle and it really works great no smell and on the lowest setting it kept a 2 car garage toasty.
Yeah, I had a guy at work say that propane heater might work. Have a Lowes right here in town probably go tommorrow. Thanks Rooster Lar:)
very cool always a good feeling when they start making the good noise.
note: the wire covers for your headlight wires is awesome good idea
Nice looking engine. What gauges are you using? Did you make the gauge bezel?
vdo classic gauges and my friend in Mustang Okla who built the calif kid bike had it for a project and did not use it and so he felt sorry for me and i got it. See Mark Mosleys car builds here.
M & M Rods & Customs -
rooster, you've probably posted this info before but I'm too lazy to look for it... whose body is that?
Even with proane infrared heaters you should have a carbon monoxide detector in garage if heater is not vented.Be safe
CCR long smooth body with pass door. I like it the room in it is great.

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