Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

It lives !!!!! :)


New Member
:faint: Today I backed the bucket out of the garage under it's own power! sure felt good. It's off to upolstery tomorrow I sure hope the weather holds they're forcasting rain and snow late in the day
Feels good dont it i just got mine going a few weeks ago. Where r u located??? Have Fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Very Nice Had a buddy took his car to mexico for a custom tuck and roll interior job.Looked awesome on the way home his car kind of stunk they used manure for padding and in mexico good luck finding the same person again. So just remember You get what You pay for.
I live in New Brunswick Canada...good news is forecast is improved, snow's not supposed to come in untill midnight tomorrow bad news is 10 to 15 cm (4 to 6 in) I have a buddy that has an upolestry shop who is going to do it. I have some basic ideas but I'll be happy with whatever he does. Going black with a black top. I think it will work well with the orange and the chasis is already black
ahhhhhh ..... sweet terry .... the cruisin's gonna be cool this summer........


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