No one in the frigging state of new jersey can give me a straight answer on what i have to do to make my car legal.Can i use my old QQ plates?streetrod plates?and what do i do for that? Listen to this story....they (trenton) said i must reg.the 27 T with regular tags and reg.before i could get my streetrod tags.When i went to purchase them from the MV the old bag at the counter said no way.She called 3 different people ,one asked if i was a member of the nsra, I said yes and showed her my card.She got off the phone and said "you have collectors insurance you can't have regular tags you need streetrod tags DUH!!! .So i went to my truck called the headquaters for mv and they said i was right.I said could i have your name so i could tell the bi--h at the counter she said hold on and disconnected me!
I called back got a real nice lady and she said.Go back in and "don't use the word collectors insurance in the title when you fill out the form" asking for insurance info..So i went in and filled the form out without that word....and walked out with tags!:lol: now the fun begins getting the streetrod any one from New Jersey ?I just wanted to have some fun this summer. New Jersey so long.needed to vent. jjsticks