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It's time again in Texas!


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Re: It's time again in Texas! - shows-cruises-fun

Apr 4 / Saturday / 1 pm - 5 pm Duncanville, Texas
4th Annual Ducanville Texas 14UAAA Baseball Car Show at Napa Auto Parts, 730 South Cockrell Hill, Duncanville, Texas. Dash plaques to first 100. Top 25 trophies. Door Prizes. Live auction. 50/50 drawing. Food and drinks. Sponsors: Midlothian Classic Wheels and Napa Auto Parts. Info: Alan Krohn: or 214-808-4019 or Joe Rakoczy: 214-587-1643.

Apr 4 / Saturday / 9 am - 3 pm Henrietta, Texas
5th Annual Car Show- Henrietta, Texas. Registration 9:00-10:30, judging and viewing 11:00-2:00, and awards 3:00 pm. Trophies given for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in each of the 22 classes. Lots of special awards music, food, and a silent auction. ALL PROCEEDS BENEFIT THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY. Registration in only $10.00 Show usually averages 150-200 vehicles. For more information contact
Apr 4 / Saturday / 10 am - 2 pm North Richland Hills, Texas
Advantage Auto Works Show at 6432 Davis Road, North Richland Hills, Texas. Twenty-four classes and seven Best of Show awards. Location: 6432 Davis Blvd., North Richland Hills, Texas 76180. Chris and Todd have a beautiful facility and are awesome hosts. Be sure and not miss this show, come early for the best spots. Participant Judging. Entry $15.00. First 50 entries receive free t-shirt and dash plaque. Free food. Info: Mouse & Alena at 940-231-9956 or
Apr 4 / Saturday / 10 am - 4 pm Frisco, Texas
The LHS Red Rhythm Booster Association Proudly Presents Rides and Rhythm @ Fuddruckers Preston Road/Gaylord, Frisco, Texas. OPEN CAR SHOW. Trophies for: Best in class, 1st Runner Up, Best Paint, Best Engine, Best Interior, Grand Champion. Registration Fee- - $20 per car in advance, $25 day of show. Registration fees are tax deductible. Send Registration to - LHS Red Rhythm Booster Association, c/o Clark Miller, 2908 Bellerive Drive, Plano , Tx 75025. Info: email or call 972 342-9967. Specify your Name, Make, Model, Year and Color of the car you will be bringing to the show. Final class distribution will be based on the cars entered.
Apr 4 / Saturday / 12 noon 4 pm Dallas, Texas
2009 Shows: Apr 4, May 2, Jun 6, Jul 4, Aug 1, Sept 5, Oct 3, Nov 7
RockNRidez Car Show at Tony's Mexican Restaurant - every first Saturday of the Month. Location: 1311 Empire Central Drive, Dallas, Texas. Registration from 12 to 1:30; judging from 2:30 to 3; awards at 3:30. Entry: $10. First and second place in each class plus four Best of Show awards. Info: Gabby at 469-632-6993 or Jim at 972-567-0204 or go to
Apr 4 / Saturday / 12 noon - 4 pm Richardson, Texas
Heights Car & Motor Show at the Heights Baptist Church at 201 West Renner Rd, Richardson, Tx. Located at the SW corner of 75/Central & Renner Rd. Sponsored by The Heights Baptist Church. Entry: $10 or 10 Canned Food Goods, all proceeds benefit God's Food Pantry. Info: or email: or Andrew or Deborah Simmons, fax: 972-495-5282, phone: 972-881-8811, Brian Ratcliff. Rainout Date & Time: Sunday, April 5th 2pm-5pm
Apr 4 / Saturday / Noon - 4 pm Richardson, Texas
2nd Annual Heights Car & Motor Show at 201 W. Renner Road at US-75 in Richardson. Last year we had more than 100 entries in 17 classes with everything from a 1926 Ford to a 2008 Aston Martin Roadster said Brian Ratcliff, one of the event organizers. "There was even a collection of World War II military vehicles and an antique fire truck. We hope to attract even more vintage and exotic cars this year. Entry: $10 per entry or 10 canned food items to benefit God's Food Pantry. Admission is free and the event is open to the public. Registration and information is available at Info: Brian Ratcliff 972-881-8811 or Andrew
Apr 4 / Saturday / 4 pm - 8 pm Cedar Hill, Texas
2009 Show Dates: Mar 7, Apr 4, May 2 (more may follow)
Car Show at Pizza Inn, 108 W. Beltline Rd, Cedar Hill, TX held the 1st Sat. of the month. Registration begins at 4pm and ends at 5:30pm. This is a FULL SHOW the 1st SATURDAY evening of the month. Registration is $10 with Free dash plaque to the first 50 entries! Lots of classes, cars, trucks and motorcycles welcome! Door Prizes and 50/50. Info: Bryan 214-577-5857 or call pizza inn 972-291-9148. Great place to eat!
Apr 4 / Saturday / 4:30 pm 8:15 pm Plano, Texas
2009 Shows: Apr 4, May 2, Jun 6, Jul 11*, Aug 1, Sept 5, Oct 3, Nov 7
*The July car show will be the second Saturday due to the fourth of July.
Monthly Muscle Car Show holds its 1st Saturday of month car show at the SONIC Drive-In parking lot at 1601 Custer Rd. (15th street and Custer Rd) in Plano, Texas. Trophies for 18 classes and best of show truck and car! Entry: $10, with free dash plaques for the first 50 entries. Registration is from 4:30 pm to 7:00 pm, judging is at 6:45 pm to 7:45 pm and awards at 8:15. 50/50 pot drawings for cash and prizes. Info: or call SONIC at 972-596-7616.
Apr 4 / Saturday / 5 pm 9 pm Grapevine, Texas
2009 Shows: Apr 4, May 2, Jun 6, Jul 4, Aug 1, Sept 5, Oct 3
Bass Pro- Grapevine is the first Saturday night of the month. Show time 5:00pm-9:00pm. Registration is from 5-6:30. Awards at 9:00. Entry: $10. Classes: Pre-50s car, 50s car, 60s car, 70s car, 80s car, 90s car, 2000s car, Street Rod, T-Bucket/Roadster, Muscle car, Mustang 79 & Older, Mustang 80s and Newer, Corvette 1953-1982, Corvette 84 & Newer, Import car, Custom car, Sports Compact, Convertible, Open Car, Pre-60s truck, 60s truck, 70-80s truck, 90s truck, 2000s truck and open truck. Motorcycles welcome! 24 Classes Total of 54 awards. 4 Best of shows 79 and older Car and Truck. 80s and Newer Car and Truck. Manager's Pick. Bass Pro grapevine is located at 2501 Bass Pro Dr. Grapevine, TX 76051. For more info please call Christy 214-502-6211.
Apr 5 / Sunday / 1 pm 5 pm Grapevine, Texas
2009 Shows: Apr 5, May 3, Jun 7, Jul 5, Aug 2, Sept 6, Oct 4
Hooters- Grapevine is the first Sunday of the month. Show time 1:00pm-5:00pm. Registration is from 1-2:30. Awards at 5:00. Entry: $10. Classes: Pre-50s car, 50s car, 60s car, 70s car, 80s car, 90s car, 2000s car, Street Rod, T-Bucket/Roadster, Muscle car, Mustang 79 & Older, Mustang 80s and Newer, Corvette 1953-1982, Corvette 84 & Newer, Import car, Custom car, Sports Compact, Convertible, Open Car, Pre-60s truck, 60s truck, 70-80s truck, 90s truck, 2000s truck and open truck. Motorcycles welcome! 24 Classes Total of 54 awards. 4 Best of shows 79 and older Car and Truck. 80s and Newer Car and Truck. Manager's Pick. Hooters grapevine is located at 1711 Cross Roads Dr. Grapevine, TX 76051. For more info please call Christy 214-502-6211.
Apr 11 / Saturday / 10 am - 2 pm Canton, Texas
Hatfield Restorations Annual Open House in Canton, Texas - benefitting the ABC Room (A Better Childhood). Entertainment by Buddy and the Flashbacks. Free registration for car show. Top ten pick. Awards at 1 pm. free hotdogs and sodas. Info: 866-635-9699 or email
Apr 11 / Saturday / 10 am - 2 pm Fort Worth, Texas
Show and Shine Car Show (no awards) to benefit Pooch and Pals Promeaade 2009. Show location Gateway Park at I-30 and Beach in Fort Worth, Texas. Music by Mootown Rockers. Food: Top Dog Hot Dogs, Nachos and more. Fun: Pet Psychic, caricatures, pet photographer, smooch a pooch. Contests: Human barking, owner look a like, costume. Activities: adoption promenade, low cost microchiping. Info:
Apr 11 / Saturday / 10 am - 4 pm Handley, Texas
Cruise In. Stay an Hour or Stay All Day. Handley Antique Mall, 3129 Handley Drive. First 50 cars receive dash plaques. No fees. No trophies. Just Fun, Food and Music. Carter Blood Drive will be on hand 1:00 - 4:00 pm. For more info contact Ray Barnes at 817-451-8663.
Apr 11 / Saturday / 4:30 pm 8:00 pm North Richland Hills, Texas
2009 Shows: Apr 11, Maybe every 2nd Saturday ! We'll keep you posted.
Car show at Beef o'Brady's at 8245 Precinct Line Rd. in North Richland Hills. This is their first show, so lets make it a good one so they will have us back for more. Registration 4-5:30 cost $10 with free dash plaques to the first 50 entries. Classes for cars, trucks and motorcycles! Door prizes and 50/50. For more info contact Bryan 214-577-5857 or Beef'o'Brady's 817-577-4040.
Re: It's time again in Texas! - shows-cruises-fun part 2

Apr 11 / Saturday / 4:30 pm 8:00 pm Dallas, Texas
2009 Shows: Apr 11, May 9, Jun 13, Jul 11*, Aug 8, Sept 12, Oct 10
21st Annual Cruise Nights 2009 hosted by the Late Great Chevys of Dallas on the second Saturday of each month, April through October. Show location is Rock-n-Rogers Diner on the northeast corner of W. Park Blvd./Hebron Parkway and Midway Road in Dallas, Texas. Bigger, better awards and the best mix of muscle, restored, specialty and vintage cars and trucks in the Metroplex. 50/50 drawing and door prizes. DJ featuring 50's and 60's music. Lots of family fun. Registration starts at 4:30 pm, participant judging at 7 pm and awards at 8 pm. Entry: $10. Info: Jim at 214-707-1278, Dan at 214-668-4158, or Richard at 817-690-1334 or go to
Apr 11 / Saturday / 5 pm 8:30 pm Lewisville, Texas
2009 Shows: Apr 11, May 9, Jun 13, Jul 11*, No August Cruise, Sept 12 (starts at 4pm), Oct 10 (starts at 4pm), Nov 14 (starts at 4pm)
North Texas Mustang Club presents its Second Saturday Cruise Nights at Cracker Barrel at 889 South Stemmons Freeway, West Side of the Frontage Road at 35E and Fox Avenue Exit. Entry: $10. Participant judging. Awards for all classes. Door prizes, 50/50 raffle. Great food, music and lots of fun. Bring the family! Info: or call the NTMC hotline at 817-595-6900.
Apr 11 / Saturday / 8 pm Midnight Fort Worth, Texas
2009 Shows: Apr 11, May 9, Jun 13, Jul 11, Aug 8, Sept 12, Oct 10
Midnight Madness is back with a little twist! Youngridez will be hosting the show. Youngridez- Young Music. A carsroadshow event. Show time 8:00pm to Midnight. Entry: $10. This is a top 30 pick plus Best of Show and Manger's Pick. Hooters Ft. Worth is located at 5350 Southwest Blvd. Ft. Worth, TX 76109. For more info please call Christy 214-502-6211.
Apr 14 / Tuesday / 5 pm - 9 pm Garland, Texas
2009 Shows: Apr 14, May 12, Jun 9, Jul 14, Aug 11, Sept 11 (FRIDAY show), Oct 13
Taco Casa in Garland, located off off I30 and Broadway, will begin in April, the second Tuesday of each month. Please note that the time has changed. It will start at 5pm and end at 9pm. You can get there earlier to register. There will no longer be 50% of off the food. But, that should not matter since the food is great and cheap anyway. There will still be free t-shirts for all those registered and free dash plaques to the first 50 cars. Info: Email Alena and Mouse at
Apr 16-17-18 / Thursday, Friday, Saturday Bowie, Texas
2nd Annual Bowie Auto Swap Meet. Vendor Setup starts on Thursday, April 15, 2009. Second Monday Fairgrounds. Hwy 81 @ Pelham Road, Bowie, Texas 76230. 14'x30' Spaces start at $25.00 per space. Electricity Available for $30.00 for weekend, Limited Water connections available. Website: Email: Contact Information: Freddie Ledbetter @ 940-872-9643. Kato Verden @ 940-872-4089.
Apr 16 / Thursday Mesquite, Texas
Car and Truck Show at McDonalds at 1531 Town East Blvd, Mesquite, Texas. Lots of classes; motorcycles welcome. Info: call Gabby at 469-632-632-6993 OR
Apr 17, 18 & 19 / Friday, Saturday, Sunday / Jefferson, Texas
Big Cypress Street Rod Association presents The Outlaw Nationals in downtown Jefferson, Tezas. Vehicles must be 1972 and earlier. Event sponsored by Auntie Skinners. Friday, early registration from 3 pm to 8 pm. Saturday 8 am show day registration; 6:30 pm auction featuring Mark Fort and 9pm band and dance. Sunday, Church service, show and shine and awards ceremony. Entry: $20 preregistration or $25 day of show. Info: Rudd Key at 903-665-3411 or Mark Fort at 903-665-7595 or Bob Walcott at 903-407-1908. All proceeds to to benefit the Percy Johnon Burn Founation and Children's Camp.
Apr 18 & 19 / Saturday, Sunday / Fort Worth, Texas
D/FW Collector Car Swap Meet at LaGrave Field in Fort Worth, Texas. LaGrave Field is located one block east of North Main Street in the 400 - 700 blocks. Free admission. Public hours 8 am - 5 pm on Saturday and 8 am - 2 pm on Sunday. Info: Jason or Dean Earhart at 254-751-7958 or go to website or email
Apr 18 / Saturday / 8 am - 3 pm Ennis, Texas
MOPARS AT THE MOTERPLEX; Mopar only Drag Races, Car Show, Swap Meet, and vendor show The premier Mopar event of the year will be held at Texas Moterplex drag race track in Ennis, Texas, south of Dallas on I-35. This event is open to all mopar family cars and mopar powered vehicles. There will be a points style judged car show. The car show will have 34 classes for antique, muscle and modern cars & trucks both stock and custom. The event will also feature mile drag racing with sportsman to super pro classes. There will be 2 nostalgia race classes that are also open to other brands of cars. There will also be a swap meet area and a venders area. Entry fee is $10 per person that gets spectators into all events, plus another $15 for a car show entry or for a swap meet space. Gates open at 8:00; car show registration closes at 12:00 with awards at 3:00. Parking and children 12 and under are free. Rain date is Sun. April 19, 2009. event hosted by the Cowtown and the Dallas Mopar Clubs. Car show information call Bob Ostrowski, 214- 351- 0441. Racing and other information can be found at .
Apr 18 / Saturday / 9 am - 2 pm Edgewood City Park, Van Zandt County, Texas
Van Zandt County Road Rebels present their Annual Car Show at Edgewood City Park. Registration from 9 am - 11:30 am, judging noon to 1 pm, and plaque presentation at 2 pm. Entry: $15 paid before April 10th or $20 the day of the event. Must be a paid participant to park in car show area. Dash plaques to first 75 entries. Sponsor awards, concessions, 50/50 raffle, wipe out board. Participant judging; plaques awarded to top 20 cars and Best of Show. Info: Mike Cade at 903-873-6304 or email Rory Morrow at
Apr 18 / Saturday / 10 am - 2 pm Fort Worth, Texas Rain date April 25th tentative
1st Annual Wildcat Rally Car and Bike Show benefiting Junior Historian and Pals Clubs of Fossil Hill Middle School, Hosted by NTSCA. Show location: Fossil Hill Middle School , 3821 Staghorn Circle South, Fort. Worth Texas 76137. Entry: $15.00. Trophies for top 25 entries and top motorcycle. Special Trophy awards for special interest, kids bicycle, PALS Choice, and Junior Historian Choice, Principals Choice and Spectators Choice. This is a participant judged show. There will be food, entertainment, DJ, silent auction, and 50/50 raffle. For Information contact NSTCA website orPat.Ritchie@kellerisd.netor Call 817 475-3258
Apr 18 / Saturday / 10 am - 3 pm Bowie, Texas
Friends of the Bowie Animal Shelter's 2nd Annual Poker Run and Car Show at Pelham Park in Bowie. This year's theme for the Poker Run is "Joker's Wild" with the top three hands being paid cash money and the remaining proceeds to benefit the Friends of the Bowie Animal Shelter. This year's run will include some fantastic stops all over Bowie and Montague County. We have added for this year a car show in addition to the poker run with a "Top Ten" being awarded as well as a "Friends of the Bowie Animal Shelter Pick" (Best of Show). Entry: $10. First fifty registered receive a dash plaque and goody bag. Info: call Frank Redmond at 940-366-2186, Dillon Steen at 940-233-0497, or Jennifer White at 940-531-2355 or email
Apr 18 / Saturday / 12 Noon 7 pm Flower Mound, Texas
Wild About Flower Mound 2009 is back by popular demand at Bakersfield Park off 3040. All kinds of festive activities, entertainment, bands and more! Check out The Car Show part of the event is Saturday April 18 from 2:00pm-7:00pm. All car show participants will enter in car show gate from the hours 12:00 to 2:00. (No later than 2pm!)First 50 entries receive a free dash plaque. YOU DO NOT NEED TO PRE-REGISTER (you can register the day of the show). Registration is 12:00pm-2:00pm. Twenty-Four Classes with a total of 54 awards. 4 Best of shows 79 and older Car and Truck. 80s and Newer Car and Truck. Mayor's Pick. The Wild About Flower Mound Festival will be held at Bakersfield Park, 1201 Duncan Lane. Bakersfield Park is 3 miles west of I-35E on FM 3040 Flower Mound, TX 75028 (Flower Mound Road).Free parking will be available. Car show entry fee 15.00. Includes gate for you and your passengers entering the car show gate. For more info please call Christy 214-502-6211.

Re: It's time again in Texas! - shows-cruises-fun part 3

Apr 18 / Saturday / 1 pm - 4 pm Colleyville, Texas
Car show
at 1000 Cheek Sparger Rd Colleyville, TX 76034 (Cheek Sparger Road and Bedford Road). Directions 121 to Bedford Rd head North until you come to Cheek Sparger and turn Right then look for Village) Lots of shops-Amore Pasta & Pizza, Avalon Cleaners, BK's Donuts, Body Wrap Shop, Mark Merritt DDS, Master Hans Tae Kwon Do, Pat Riddle School of Dance, Reposados Mexican Grill, Simply Cakes, Tara Nails and Car Show. More Info. on Taras Village: Experience Colleyville > Shopping > Tara Village 40 + Awards- Best of Show Car & Truck, Late model, Import, cycle, under Construction, Special Interest, Sponsors Choice and 25 Class Awards Hosted by D&D Rockin Rods 817-797-1197 WWW.DDRockinRods.Com
Apr 18 / Saturday / 5 pm - 9 pm North Richland Hills, Texas
Mar 21 (5-9pm), Apr 18 (5-9pm), May 16 (5-9pm), Jun 20 (5-9pm), Jul 18 "Beach Party (7 11pm), Aug 15 Hot Texas Night (7-11pm), Sept 19 (5-9pm) and Oct 17 "Christmas in December" (5-9pm)
Christian Classic Cruisers presents its 3rd Saturday of the month car show at Birdville ISD Athletic/Find Arts Complex at Mid-Cites Blvd and Precinct Line Road in North Richland Hills, Texas. Entry: $10. Proceeds benefit deserving children at Christmastime. NSRA Safety Inspections available. Info: call J.W. Irving at 81-625-3820 or Jerry Hogan at 817-379-5484 or visit the website at
Apr 19 / Sunday / 1 pm 5 pm Mesquite, Texas
2009 Shows: Apr 19, May 17, Jun 21, Jul 19, Aug 16, Sept 20, Oct 18
Hooters- Mesquite is the 3rd Sunday of every month. Show time 1:00pm-5:00pm. Registration is from 1-2:30. Awards at 5:00. Entry: $10. Classes: Pre-50s car, 50s car, 60s car, 70s car, 80s car, 90s car, 2000s car, Street Rod, T-Bucket/Roadster, Muscle car, Mustang 79 & Older, Mustang 80s and Newer, Corvette 1953-1982, Corvette 84 & Newer, Import car, Custom car, Sports Compact, Convertible, Open Car, Pre-60s truck, 60s truck, 70-80s truck, 90s truck, 2000s truck and open truck. Motorcycles welcome! 24 Classes Total of 54 awards. 4 Best of shows 79 and older Car and Truck. 80s and Newer Car and Truck. Manager's Pick. Hooters Mesquite is located at 3902 Towne Crossing Blvd. Mesquite, TX 75150. For more info please call Christy 214-502-6211.
Apr 25 / Saturday / 9 am 3 pm Princeton, Texas
5th Annual Princeton Onion Festival on Saturday, April 25th from 9am-3pm. It is sponsored by the Princeton Lions Club. Please see the attached flyer for details or call Bob Eoff at 972-734-2424 or Princeton Chamber of Commerce at 972-736-6462. Look for our upcoming emails about Lost Highway Classic Car & Motorcycle Shows! The 4th Lost Highway Anniversary Car & Motorcycle Show will be May 16th. More information will be announced soon!! Info: Kari Barrett at
Apr 25 / Saturday / 3 pm - ??? Bridgeport, Texas
Yesterday's 6th Annual Retro Blast Cruise & Tunes will be Saturday April 25th at Yesterday's Bridgeport Location at 305 W. Hwy 380, Bridgeport, Texas. Car show/cruise on Saturday afternoon. Entry: $15. Cruise is open to Antiques, Street Rods, Customs, Motorcycles and "Family Sedans". Trophies awarded to various classes including: Corvettes, PT Cruisers and More. T-shirt and goodie bag to first 50 entries. Dash plaques to first 100 entries. Registration is from 4 pm to 6 pm. Pre-registration is open now and HIGHLY SUGGESTED! Plan to attend the cruise at 3 pm. Info: Yesterday's Bridgeport at 940-683-6620 or Yesterday's Decatur at 940-627-5866. The show flyer and more information can be found on Yesterday's website at
Apr 25 / Saturday / 10 am - 3 pm Corsicana, Texas
6th Annual Shakers & Scrapers Open Car Show. April 25, 2009. Located in historic downtown Corsicana, Tx during the Derrick Days Celebration. Food, art and crafts, chili-cookoff, games, parade and carnival all day during Derrick Days Saturday. 10:00am thru 1:00pm but get there early for the best spots. Entry is $20.00 The first 100 get one of the best goody bags of any car show. Door prizes given thoughout the day and 50/50 tickets. Auction, raffle, 50/50 giveaway and awards start about 3:00pm. ALL proceeds to benefit a local charity. Call Sue (903)872-3593 or Suzie (903)872-7949 for more information and be sure to visit for more information, calendar, contacts, pictures, and much more.
Apr 25 / Saturday / 5 pm - 9 pm Arlington, Texas2009 Dates: 3/28, 4/25, 5/30, 6/27, 7/25, 8/29, 9/26 and 10/31
Special Interest Fords club has a monthly car show on the last Saturday of each month. The show is for all makes and models and located at Fabulous 50s Diner, 2424 W. Park Row Dr. Arlington, TX . Time is 5pm to 9 pm. Entry fee is $10. There are door prizes, 50/50 raffle, oldies music, dash plaques and trophies for a number of classes. For additional information, send emails to
Apr 25 / Saturday / 5 pm 9 pm Garland, Texas
2009 Shows: Apr 25, May 23, Jun 20, Jul 25, Aug 22, Sept 26, Oct 24
El Chico- Garland is the 4th Saturday of the month. Show time 5:00pm-9:00pm. Registration is from 5-6:30. Awards at 9:00. Entry: $10. Classes: Pre-50s car, 50s car, 60s car, 70s car, 80s car, 90s car, 2000s car, Street Rod, T-Bucket/Roadster, Muscle car, Mustang 79 & Older, Mustang 80s and Newer, Corvette 1953-1982, Corvette 84 & Newer, Import car, Custom car, Sports Compact, Convertible, Open Car, Pre-60s truck, 60s truck, 70-80s truck, 90s truck, 2000s truck and open truck. Motorcycles welcome! 24 Classes Total of 54 awards. 4 Best of shows 79 and older Car and Truck. 80s and Newer Car and Truck. Manager's Pick. El Chico Garland is located at 1902 Eastgate Dr. Garlamd, TX 75041. For more info please call Christy 214-502-6211.
Apr 25 / Saturday / 5 pm 9 pm Flower Mound, Texas
2009 Shows: Apr 25, May 23, Jun 20, Jul 25, Aug 22, Sept 26, Oct 24
El Chico Flower Mound is the 4th Saturday night of the month. Show time 5:00pm-9:00pm. Registration is from 5-6:30. Awards at 9:00. Entry: $10. Classes: Pre-50s car, 50s car, 60s car, 70s car, 80s car, 90s car, 2000s car, Street Rod, T-Bucket/Roadster, Muscle car, Mustang 79 & Older, Mustang 80s and Newer, Corvette 1953-1982, Corvette 84 & Newer, Import car, Custom car, Sports Compact, Convertible, Open Car, Pre-60s truck, 60s truck, 70-80s truck, 90s truck, 2000s truck and open truck. Motorcycles welcome! 24 Classes Total of 54 awards. 4 Best of shows 79 and older Car and Truck. 80s and Newer Car and Truck. Manager's Pick. El Chico Flower Mound is located at 2111 Justin Rd. (FM 407) Flower Mouond, TX 75028. For more info please call Christy 214-502-6211. 20% discount on food to all registered participants.
Apr 26 / Sunday / 12 noon - 4 pm Midlothian, Texas
Relay For Life" Benefit Car Show at Rick's Radiator & Muffler Shop 5181 N. Hwy 67 Midlothian Tx. 76065. Registration begins at 12 ends at 1:30pm. Entry: $20 with Free dash plaque to the first 50 entries! Classes are as follows: Pre-50s car, 50s car, 60s car, 70s car, 80s car, 90s car, 2000s car, Street Rod, T-Bucket- Roadster,Muscle Car, Custom Car, Import Car, Mustang 79 & Older, Mustang 80s & newer, Corvette 53-82, Corvette 84 & Newer, Open Car, Pre-60s truck, 60s truck, 70s truck, 80s truck, 90s truck, 2000's truck, and Open Truck, Low rider, Convertable, Motorcycles Welcome! And 7 Best of Show. Door Prizes and 50/50. For more info please contact Bryan 214-577-5857 or Jeremy 972-723-8467.
Apr 26 / Sunday / 1 pm 5 pm North Richland Hills, Texas
2009 Shows: Apr 26, May 24, Jun 28, Jul 26, Aug 23, Sept 27, Oct 25
Hooters- North Richland Hills is the 4th Sunday of every month April-October. Show time 1:00pm-5:00pm. Registration is from 1-2:30. Awards at 5:00. Entry: $10. Classes: Pre-50s car, 50s car, 60s car, 70s car, 80s car, 90s car, 2000s car, Street Rod, T-Bucket/Roadster, Muscle car, Mustang 79 & Older, Mustang 80s and Newer, Corvette 1953-1982, Corvette 84 & Newer, Import car, Custom car, Sports Compact, Convertible, Open Car, Pre-60s truck, 60s truck, 70-80s truck, 90s truck, 2000s truck and open truck. Motorcycles welcome! 24 Classes Total of 54 awards. 4 Best of shows 79 and older Car and Truck. 80s and Newer Car and Truck. Manager's Pick. Hooters North Richland Hills is located at 7669 Grapevine Hwy. North Richlnd Hills, TX 76180. For more info please call Christy 214-502-6211.

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