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Jag rear info - got some good advice from a jag expert

I almost forgot a very valuable post. This is on another forum I am a member of, he (Goodfellow) is all about sharing info so he does not mind me linking things:

This is a series of his posts, that detail the teardown and rebuilding of the jag IRS. Lots of pics as well:

Hell here is the main post:

This is his documenting the restoring of an e-type Jaguar. There are about 20 different posts on him rebuilding different parts of the IRS alone. Well worth the reading.
i opened it up today. all the teeth look good and does not look like it has been on the road alot. when i turn the yoke both sides spin . but still not sure what i am looking at
i opened it up today. all the teeth look good and does not look like it has been on the road alot. when i turn the yoke both sides spin . but still not sure what i am looking at
Not a posi. Looks good though.
ya found pix online and was a little sad ....but only for a second :) however on many forums different pix say different things. i thought this was an E type not an S type but now i am not so sure ......also i have no idea how to tell what year this is . is there a codex for IRS like there is for lets say an engine block stamp? sorry for all the pix and silly questions but i am extremely new to any IRS of any kind lol but i value any and all info i am givin thank you all who take the time to help out us newbies :)
the calipers say British pat. with a big G stamped into the side .....i am guessing Girling?
You can always put a posi unit in it....
i could but i might just leave it . i dont think i will be running this car down the track any time soon . going to get all my parts blasted soon !!!! then i can get it all back together
I don't have posi in my Jag and it hooks equally on both sides. I think it's because you don't get the axle torquing like you do with a straight axle.
Here's a shot of a drag-race-style "leave" at full throttle on my 6-71 huffed 350. The Jag hooks surprisingly well.


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