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Jeff from Indiana building a new project.


New Member
Mot new to building but i found a " T-Bucket " on craigslist and got it cheap so now im building or , REBUILDING what will be a fun project...
got it just over a week ago... it had a lot of good parts but the chassis was scrap metal and has LEFT THE BUILDING ..

im just looking for basic ideas and tech info on things like doing the floors , the wood around the inner bucket and COOL IDEAS to incorporate into this one . Look forward to the site and interaction .

the 1st picture is how i bought the project for 1200.
2nd , the frame i fabbed - pretty easy stuff there.
3rd , lowered the front by putting the spring perch high and setting spring on top.
got a running 283 for 200. will be installing that in a day or 2...

thats my project so far.

tires .. GONE , frame ..GONE , old floors GONE . 0125151558.jpg 23 T PROJECT 009.jpg 23 T PROJECT 037.jpg
Mot new to building but i found a " T-Bucket " on craigslist and got it cheap so now im building or , REBUILDING what will be a fun project...
got it just over a week ago... it had a lot of good parts but the chassis was scrap metal and has LEFT THE BUILDING ..

im just looking for basic ideas and tech info on things like doing the floors , the wood around the inner bucket and COOL IDEAS to incorporate into this one . Look forward to the site and interaction .

the 1st picture is how i bought the project for 1200.
2nd , the frame i fabbed - pretty easy stuff there.
3rd , lowered the front by putting the spring perch high and setting spring on top.
got a running 283 for 200. will be installing that in a day or 2...

thats my project so far.

tires .. GONE , frame ..GONE , old floors GONE . View attachment 10925 View attachment 10926 View attachment 10927
Cool project! This is a good source for ideas and information. Dig through the previous posts in the various forums and pay attention to the build threads, you should find some good stuff. Keep posting progress, it helps motivate guys like me who need a boost, lol.
Welcome from Indy! At the rate you're going, you'll be cruising this summer.

Plan on coming down for our First Annual NTBA INDY Regional event in late September. Click on the link below my signature and it will take you to the forum post about it.
Welcome from New Hampshire. This is a great site for information. Keep us posted with progress pictures.
thanks for the warm welcomes . ANYTHING WARM right now would be welcome..ha. snow , snow and more snow...
Indy sounds like a cool thing, i grew up in Indy.

im not sure how far i will go with the build , i like Ts , had one before but bought it and just painted it . Traded it the DAY i got it done .ha for a 57 Chevy Gasser.

motivation... here the thing , getting started is the hardest part . making good progress is just that , PROGRESS and that much closer to enjoying the ride. Im hopeful i can have this thing TURN KEY in a months time ...Maybe not done , but drivable ...
Good Swapmeet in Kalamazoo Mi next friday and sat...feb 7th and 8 ...hope to find parts i need still.

this is just a filler till i can get back on to a couple of my builds i have going ..
its not a T so i hope its ok to post a pic so heres one of my projects...

1966SS Nova funnycar Jumgle jim replica... stretched in front and rear moved forward for the altered look...its just before they switched to a full flopper.


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Welcome from Chalmers Indiana! Yeah, we need warm right now! But soon enough the sun will be shining and the warm wind in our hair as spring and summer cruise season begins.
Looks good but to get it lower you can have the spring behind the axle and not have the perch so high.
I like the Nova! Put a big block in it and thrash down the track--if you can keep 'er straight!
T-Test . i do have the spring behind the axle so you lost me there.
the perch really isnt the high reality , its actually only maybe a inch or 2 at the most different... the difference is that instead of the perch sitting on TOP of the springs , flipped around , now the bottom of the springs are sitting on the that alone gives me about 3 - 4 inches dropped. ...

the Nova is getting a BBC... ive had a number of race cars ...Now , i want to do some cruising ..Power tour , go to some nostalgia show/races but DRIVE the car there... the Nova will look the part but be 100% street legal and road friendly...Including regular gas vs 8 dollar a gal race
T-Test . i do have the spring behind the axle so you lost me there.
the perch really isnt the high reality , its actually only maybe a inch or 2 at the most different... the difference is that instead of the perch sitting on TOP of the springs , flipped around , now the bottom of the springs are sitting on the that alone gives me about 3 - 4 inches dropped. ...

In your first post with pictures, it looks like the spring is mounted on top of the axle?? I see where you changed the perch mounting method from bottom of it[perch] to the top of the perch. I may be wrong?[/QUOTE]

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