Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Keep the shiny side up


Well-Known Member
After a weekends work I have managed to get the bottom of the body in a yellow. I know all you professional painters dont like the way I do this but its my own little qwirk. I always like to put a body in a top coat before I do a final cherry. It may be my eyes or because Im self taught but it works for me.
Those NASTY cut out are going to stay 'rough' until I figure out what to do with them. I thought of framing them in aluminum or stainless, just dont know at the moment. Any suggestions welcome.

Now i just got to figure out how to keep a shiny side DOWN. LOL

body-underside-in-yellow-(4.jpg body-underside-in-yellow-(6.jpg
body-underside-in-yellow-(5.jpg body-underside-in-yellow-(7.jpg

After a weekends work I have managed to get the bottom of the body in a yellow. I know all you professional painters dont like the way I do this but its my own little qwirk. I always like to put a body in a top coat before I do a final cherry. It may be my eyes or because Im self taught but it works for me.
Those NASTY cut out are going to stay 'rough' until I figure out what to do with them. I thought of framing them in aluminum or stainless, just dont know at the moment. Any suggestions welcome.

Now i just got to figure out how to keep a shiny side DOWN. LOL

[attachment=4271:body-underside-in-yellow-(4.jpg] [attachment=4273:body-underside-in-yellow-(6.jpg]
[attachment=4272:body-underside-in-yellow-(5.jpg] [attachment=4274:body-underside-in-yellow-(7.jpg]


Last coat of yellow done. Now to start on the chassis. Its over 75 degrees here today to the paint dried in seconds. Yep those bugs LOVE yellow. Still the real paint job will be done in a booth not in my yard

by the way these pics were resized using the method I described in the post 'resizing pics in windows 7' in the Lounge
Gerry, now you know why Ferrari calls their yellow "Fly Yellow."

Really nice color choice people will definitely see you coming.
Looks great. I like yellow. Over the years we have had several race cars that were yellow and what is it about bugs and yellow?

Bugs are attracted to yellow like flys to a honey pot. Painting yellow in a yard is guaranteed to get bugs in the finish. So far I have 4 of the little XXXXXXXXXs decorating the paint.

I'm impressed by the body itself. There looks to be a major amount of work that went into it.

Looks great.

Old RF.... ....Is that Rat Fink? No Paris, it's Rotor Flap.

I'm impressed by the body itself. There looks to be a major amount of work that went into it.

Looks great.

Old RF.... ....Is that Rat Fink? No Paris, it's Rotor Flap.

Thanks for that. I really like the overall shape and proportions.
It looks great in the pics but and its a BIG but theres at least 40 hours left in it to get it right. I should really cherry it and then take a mold and glass up a complete new body. Problem is the expense and the time.
Thanks for that. I really like the overall shape and proportions.
It looks great in the pics but and its a BIG but theres at least 40 hours left in it to get it right. I should really cherry it and then take a mold and glass up a complete new body. Problem is the expense and the time.
Gerry, I would think that you should be able to sell the heck out of those bodies, as it is probably the best looking T Bucket body going, for those that want that type of body, I love it... :)
Gerry, I would think that you should be able to sell the heck out of those bodies, as it is probably the best looking T Bucket body going, for those that want that type of body, I love it... :)

Hi ted
Have not heard from you for a short while. Thanks for the compliment, especially from a T expert. If I had the funds and time I would pull a mold from it.Then look for someone in the USA to produce under a license. ( a realistic one). UK and Euro markets are very small compared to the US so its not a real goer over here.
Hi ted
Have not heard from you for a short while. Thanks for the compliment, especially from a T expert. If I had the funds and time I would pull a mold from it.Then look for someone in the USA to produce under a license. ( a realistic one). UK and Euro markets are very small compared to the US so its not a real goer over here.
Gerry, I was up very close to Russ's place in Grants Pass, Or. Drove a close friend to see her grand kids Graduation over the weekend (Sunday to Thurs)
I really wanted to go see Russ and his wild Northstar T and hear that engine in person, but he had to work while the money flows, you know just how that goes.. I do hear you about selling T Bodies, and I know how much money goes into a good mold... I just dream a lot these days, because my back will not let me do all I want, need to find a good younger right hand man... or two.. hehe :)

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