Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Lurker no mo.

one finger john

Active Member
Everybody, have watched this site since the beginning and have finally decided to join. Originally got frustrated not seeing pictures that were posted, then said , "What the heck, join". So I did. Lots questions, but I will start in the Lounge and then venture out.

Thanks, One Finger John.

P.S. I know I will be all over the place as far as spelling and such, so please be patient until I get used to being here.
hey John welcome aboard!!:rock:
I type 2 fingered so your not alone, were hotroddrs first, just type out of necessity. Dad lived in Cajon Junction back in the day, one day Ill venture back...
:lol: I type with one finger and use spell check. You'll love it here!!!!!!!
welcome to the sight john...if you been lurkin for awhile, then you know how great it is!

O. K. , this is better. My last post seems to have gone off into the ethers. And it was a really nice post, almost "Gone With The Wind" quality. Poured my heart out. Asked for forgiveness (and a nice used T less eng. & trans w/title). Hit send and nothing. Told me I needed to register. ??? This will be an interesting learning process. Seems to have worked this time. With the way I type my vanished post took A LONG time to compose. Oh Well. Will keep trying. I`ll get the hang of it. Tfeverfred, you inspire me with every one of your posts. Are you really 7 feet tall?

Will post again later today, one finger john, out.
welcome OFJ you will fit in here just right. I would bet since he drives in LA a lot that the "one finger john" has nothing to do with typing. When i go to visit the rooster uses the same finger too. A lot
Good evening gentleman! This is the first chance to get back to you so here I am. First I want to thank norseman and san-i-t for figureing out my typing style. It takes a while but I do communicate. San-i-t must use a cut and paste off his Word or whatever to be able to utilize spell check ( seriously, they don`t have it here at the site?). I am not that sophisticated yet. I`ll get the hang of it. Yes Youngster Ron, it is a great site and I look forward to coming here. Rooster, I am really quite Zen like in my driving. If something happens , then it is the CAR not the driver that is at fault. Saves wear and tear on me and my car. And LumenAl, I have no T yet, I live in a one room apt. w/no garage so it`s a little rough. I have always been mechanically inclined, so not having a garage for projects can be rough.I have to ask my first T question. LumenAl, when you went to a heavier front end and so, why? Does it look more in proportion? or are the roads rougher in your home town? Followed your rebuild and the finished product and I was amazed. What a change. What foresight. I`m good with engines so I won`t be there much, but I will probably start in the chassis section. See you there.

one finger john said:
...LumenAl, when you went to a heavier front end and so, why? Does it look more in proportion? or are the roads rougher in your home town? Followed your rebuild and the finished product and I was amazed. What a change. What foresight. I`m good with engines so I won`t be there much, but I will probably start in the chassis section. See you there.


I wanted to beef up the radius rods and wanted a beefier axle for what I felt was better proportions and I knew if Ron (PRM) built it, it'd be stout... and it was... but then again... I have a propensity to overkill... :lol:

Hey... if you're good at engines, jump on in and share...

Thanks for the complements! :lol:

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