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Miss Behavin' is the coolest!


Well-Known Member
Well, since she got a new radiator, that is. About 3 or 4 months ago, my radiator began to have a very strange leak. I started to notice a small pool of coolant under the radiator. I ran her and let her get good and hot. Like 210 degrees hot. But I didn't get any steam or spraying fluid. I put a small container underneath the radiator and let her set over night. Next morning, no coolant. But a couple days later (yes, I sometimes let her set that long), about a cup of fluid was in the container. This went on for quite a while. I noticed coolant on the top fins, but couldn't figure out where it was coming and why it only did it sometimes. She'd run great, sometimes getting hot and more than usual. I dealt with it and got used to stopping after driving 10 miles and wiping off the valve covers and everything else in front of the engine.

Then the leaking fluid shorted out my electric fan and that was it! So, I got a radiator from Speedway, along with a mechanical fan. Problem solved! She runs right around 175-180 degrees. Sitting in traffic is no worry and no more cleaning off the front of the engine. It's a 2 core and works great. So, here's her new cooler.


Now, in Speedways ad, they say it's meant to run without a grill shell. So I put it on and checked it out. I like the look and maybe should have saved a little more to get the polished one. But, the buffed aluminum matches my air cleaner and I enjoy the "mechanical" look of it. I made a mesh srceen to protect the fins. The old radiator was a gift after my wreck and it served it's purpose. I had it repaired after I got it and she held up well, but she has a new home with a friend who says he'll fix it for his T.

Next.... I'm starting to not like the blueing headers, so I'm saving for a set of ceramic coated headers.
So does that picture show the shell and grill? It is kind of hard to tell because it is blurry. I have a Walker radiator and it looks like that but I need to come up with some type of grill for it.
There is no shell with that Radiator, Fred made a grill to protect the radiator fins, looks like to me anyway
No shell. Just a mesh screen covering the fins. And thanks for the compliments. She isn't flashy, but she makes me happy. On a side note.... I screwed around and got some gas with ethanoyl (sp) in it. She's started runnin' like crap shortly afterwards. So, I'll be getting some BG 44K to clean her out. Damn tree huggers!

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