It was 76* degrees here yesterday afternoon... today it's 33!!!

Too cold to work on the car today. But I'll answer some of the questions from you guys.
Dave, I think it's more likely I have a vacuum leak now rather than before. Yes, there was a little coolant getting into the crankcase before, but never enough to discolor the oil. Yes, I had a bad seal between the intake and heads and oil got into the cylinders. May or may not have acted like a vacuum leak.
Fletch, I realize it's not reasonable to expect the "new" motor to behave exactly like the old one, but it seems like it ought to be closer. I'm not trying to match them up, I just want to understand why there's so much difference. Don't most SBCs idle in the teens to low twentys? If it really wants to idle in the low 30s, what am I going to do about the mechanical advance? With the blower, I certainly want to stay away from detonation!!
I did degree the cam very carefully, rechecking everything as I went. I have a video called "Understanding Cams and Valve Trains" by Wayne Partridge, who is a pretty well known engine builder and racer out of Wichita. I watched that thing so many times I pretty much have it memorized!! I set TDC with the cam in and the heads off, using a piston stop. With the timing gear dots lined up the cam came in 2 degrees advanced, which is fine with me as I want the oomph on the low end. After setting TDC on the compression stroke and marking the timing indicators, I never touched the crank again during assembly until cranking the motor for the first start. Unless Dave's gremlins snuck in and changed it, it should still be dead nuts, but I am going to pull a valve cover and check it again (when the weather warms back up!!).
I was able to get the lopey idle back by backing off the idle air screw and messing with the idle mixture screws. I did a partial overhaul of the carbs, mainly just cleaning all passages and replacing gaskets. I did remove the idle mixture screws to check the seating services and blow out the passages. I tried to count the turns when I took them out so I could put them back the same way, but I don't think I got them right. Once I got the idle smoothed out with the mixture, I could back down the ignition advance about 5 degrees to about 30.
Kerry and John, the distributor is a brand new MSD Pro-Billet magnetic trigger...
MSD 85551 Chevy V8 Pro-Billet Distributor - MSD Performance. No vacuum advance installed. I used one strong spring and one medium spring to get the same curve I had before. I revved up the motor a bit and could see the mech advance was working. I didn't rev it very high, as it did not sound right. I'm running cheapo block-hugger headers with no mufflers while I tune on the motor because I just had my roadster headers re-coated and don't want to ruin them (again!). The exhaust is so loud and can't hear the mechanical noises from the engine. Might have gotten a little detonation for a a couple of seconds. I'm going to pull the plugs and see what they look like.
When temps come back up in the garage, I'm going to go back through all the basics, as you guys suggest.