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Mounting of Vega Sterring Box


New Member
I'm very close to installing the Vega Sterring box mount. My question is how close should the sterring arm be to the tie rod? Should it be as parallel as possible?
I'm very close to installing the Vega Sterring box mount. My question is how close should the sterring arm be to the tie rod? Should it be as parallel as possible?

I made my steering arm parallel with the tie rod. However, my tie rod is ahead of the axle and there is 11 1/2" center to center between them. I made my own steering arms and they allow for proper Ackerman which I feel is important. I never measured it with the tie rod mounted behind the axle when it was in my '37 Chevy originally.

before you mount the box make sure you have all your engine accesories in the spot you plan on leaving them .Dwight
Perhaps these pictures might help you on mounting ideas.




Agree with Jim, as parallel as possible. Also agree with mounting all accessories first. You can see on a SBF and tapered frame it gets pretty tight! Here is the best shot i have...
Uni-steer X 2........Here are a couple photos of the one I just installed on my bucket.......If you are still looking a buying a system this is the Only way to go as far as I am concerned......DSCN8381.jpg DSCN8383.jpg DSCN8385.jpg DSCN8387.jpg DSCN8390.jpg
RnP. Only way to go. First time I have seen this way of doing it... with the rack outside on the chassis rail. Put mine inside the rails and under the column. No steering box slack, direct as hell and light as a feather.


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