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mounting rear fenders


Anyone have pics of how they mounted rear fenders? I was thinking about bolting brackets to the brake backing plates, but they would need to be some serious brackets to keep the fenders from flexing. The fenders I have are 10" wide and made of 16 gauge steel. I dont want to mount them to the body because I want to hug them right up against the tire, so they need to move with the suspension. My other idea is to weld tabs on the rear axel. Any ideas and pics?

Some of us like the looks of fenders.

I built my mounts out of 3/8x2 inch strap and we welded tabs on the axle just as you thought about doing. I have some photos that I can e-mail to you. I will look for the best ones that show the tabs.

I have had fenders on my T for about 2 years and only lost one.....LoL then I put'em on the right way....... send me an e-mail.
lincolnuT said:
Some of us like the looks of fenders.

I built my mounts out of 3/8x2 inch strap and we welded tabs on the axle just as you thought about doing. I have some photos that I can e-mail to you. I will look for the best ones that show the tabs.

I have had fenders on my T for about 2 years and only lost one.....LoL then I put'em on the right way....... send me an e-mail.
Why not post yer pics here so everyone can see?
I would like to see them too ,,
Ich auch, Moi aussi, Me too. And how about front fenders. Anyone have any suggestions for mounting motorcycle-type fenders on the front?
My dad put genuine Harley Davidson fenders on the front of his homebuilt sports car by bolting a piece of 1x1 angle to the backing plate, welding 1"tubes to the angle up and back and tapering the tubes, then brazing them to the skirts on the inside of the fenders and cuting the skirts off the outside.
dose that make sense?:think:
I saw a set of fenders mounted to the front spindle outside last summer.I guess this used to be popular.
Pictures by lincolnuT - Photobucket

Ok here are some photos of the fenders. The first two photos are what the car is today. The other photos were monuted a little diffrent but using the same mounts. The front and back are both on this site. I hope this works because I never did it here before.

Now I am going to have BBQ.................
Heres a pic of my front fenders, I welded tabs to the caliper brackets and welded tabs to some 8" wide trailer fenders I found at a boat store. The rear fenders a little harder to mount because of the backspacing and tire size

Paulski said:
Heres a pic of my front fenders, I welded tabs to the caliper brackets and welded tabs to some 8" wide trailer fenders I found at a boat store. The rear fenders a little harder to mount because of the backspacing and tire size.

I have a couple of those fenders on a trailer. Northern Tool sells them. I was thinking of getting a pair and cutting about an inch or so from the center and welding the two outer pieces back together to narrow them. I wasn't sure how to mount them. I thought about bolting them to the flange on the spindles but didn't think there would be enough room. It looked like the calipers would get in the way. My old T had Wilwood brakes so everything was aluminum so welding would have been out of the question. You don't have a lot of tire clearance there. Do you get any tire rub from vibration?
How does your exhaust sound? Wondering why you didn't go with conventional turnouts and mufflers for inspection?
Nice looking ride stance.
They are the same fenders northern tool sells, What I did for the back, because the tires are 10" wide, I cut and welded two together to make one that is wide enough for the back. The problem was I got a little to happy welding and did it to fast, and ended up warping them a little bit. I still need to straighten them a bit before I mount them. Other problem is they are Heavy.

As for the fronts they dont rub at all. Since they are mounted to the caliper bracket, they rotate and move up and down with the wheel and suspension. I left about 3/4" clearance between the fender and tire.

The mufflers in the pic was for inspections, they were still kinda loud, but not as loud as turnouts. After I finished inspections and got my registration (an act of god to get in california now) I put some regular 26" extensions on with a fiber glass muffler inside from speedway.

As cool as the extensions sounded, they were a little to loud for me. I wanted rip my ears out after driving for 30 minutes. I made this little s-bend and put another fiber glass muffler in there. It made it a lot quitter, but it still gets really loud when you gas it. Nice thing too, I dont have to worry about burning my leg when I get out. I can also unclamp the s-bend and clamp the extension back to the header for shows and cruises. Once I have everything done, I will grind the welds smooth and get it coated too.


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