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My Bucket

Vegas T

Supporting Member
Supporting Member
Just got this, now it's time to goto work.....
I'll bet that puts a BIG smile on your face, huh?

Vegas T said:
Just got this, now it's time to goto work.....
Man that is a nice ride already !! but got to make a few changes to make it your own I guess....
That's a great looking Bucket and that interior is a show winner! I'd change the windshield, but otherwise, she's got the look.
Yea, I have already pulled the heater out, it was 104 today. I kind of like the full height glass leaning back, I think because I've never seen it before.
Wow, a T with a heater. Who would have thunk it? I have to admire the previous owner for cruising it in weather that probably kept a lot of guys inside the garage.
I have a heater in mine and I live in Florida. As far as I am concerned, it is the best thing on my car. Call me a big sissy or whatever, but I DO NOT like being the least bit cold.

My heater is a 24,000 BTU unit with a three speed blower from Summit. It is mounted completely out of sight and the hoses are run in such a way that they are hardly noticed.
I agree that a heater is a nice addition. If I put one in mine though, it will be for my wife. She complains about being cold in the middle of the summer.ha ha ha ........

What a nice car............

I have been looking at the mojave that summit carries, my wife is allways cold to Hank I think all women are. If I ever get something goin I plan on drivin it a lot so a defroster would be nice.:cool: ;)....Francis
Francis Blake said:
I have been looking at the mojave that summit carries...Francis

Here is that heater ( Mojave) installed... I modified the outlet so it blew left and right down to the foot area... works great!

If anyone is interested, I have the heater up for sale in the classified area of the site... Let me know....

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