Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

My Budget Traditional T Build

Excellent job! I hope mine turns out half as nice. :thumbsup:
Looks great. I'd check the brake fluid for the brakes. These cars should stop easily. I had a couple months where I had my car stored outside and my brakes had absorbed so much water it was insane. I've never seen anything like it but my brakes were hard as a rock. I flushed the whole system and they were good as new.
Looks great. I'd check the brake fluid for the brakes. These cars should stop easily. I had a couple months where I had my car stored outside and my brakes had absorbed so much water it was insane. I've never seen anything like it but my brakes were hard as a rock. I flushed the whole system and they were good as new.
Thanks for the tip. Everything is new including the fluid. I took the rear drums off and it looks like the shoes are contacting the drum only in small places as if the surface of the shoes were not round and irregular. I'm going to try different shoes and see what happens.
I installed the new shoes and the brakes are great now! On the road, they really haul it down fast! That's a nice feeling...

This is the second time I've had issues like this. I had a '70 Mustang that would not stop for anything. I tried stock and fancy expensive pads, nothing worked. Finally I just went to Autozone and bought the cheap $18 set and wow! Huge difference. Go figure...
It's funny you should say that. I was saying that exact thing while my son and I were cruising down the road getting battered by the wind. A full face helmet would be perfect, but you would lose that open-air feeling...and as you say...would look a little odd...

You cannot wipe the grin off your face can you? :D It will last for months.

People will start giving you real funny looks when you are cruising around in Dec - Feb hehehe

Looks great!
you're not kidding! I have to say, I've owned a lot of classic cars and this one is the first I can remember that I look forward to driving just for the sake of driving. Definitely lots of fun! And you can't beat the power to weight ratio. This car makes my big block '55 Chevy seem positively slow... I don't imagine there are many cars on the road that will out-accelerate one of these contraptions. The ones that have big blocks or blown engines must be completely insane!
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Well, I got a trophy the first night out to our regular Friday cruise-in. Not that I'm a trophy hound, far from it, but it's nice to be recognized after all the hard work. Overall, the response to the car has been overwhelming. I had no idea the car would be so well liked. But to be honest, there aren't many buckets around here and almost no traditional style ones, so maybe that's it.


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