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My parts list so far


T Modified on the cheap!
by LRS30 Yesterday at 21:44
Ok if I'm gonna do this I'm gonna keep track of it here to see what I have
so far and to keep a list of what I have and need...


1, Speedway body $350
2 SBC , ..Oh yhea I paid nothing for it.


T shell and hood top's and sides $100


mine is plain steel $100(minus the spring so far)(was a helluva deal,(wow and a poet too!)


5. Frame. Here is the frame I just bought. Needs a bit more kick-up in the rear I think, time will tell(going to pick-up on Sat Feb 23)$150

6.I have 2-16" wire's ($45)need 2 more either 16's or 18's

7. One Banjo rear, this may change if I cannot find the brake pieces on the cheap..plan on converting it to an open drive, juice brake set-up.Bought 3 of them $100

8. And a full set (not pictured oil pressure water temp fuel pressure)of Auto Meter Ultra light gauges Left over from my 66 Chevy II project 12 years ago, hey another 13 and the will be collector's items.Christmas gifts years ago no money..

I may or may not use these I have a extra 54 Chev Gauge cluster Also no money

No this is not my car( I wish! Maybe if I spent some money on here she would look like this)
Anyway I'm at $850 so far..Not to bad I don't think..
You have gotten some unbelievable deals on your stuff so far. With those buying skills you should be able to put this together very inexpensively.

I started my current T with the same idea, I said on I could build a running/driving rod for $ 3K, and began a build thread on it. I was doing great budgetwise, but then I started to like the little car a lot.........a whole lot! :o So I started buying lots and lots of more expensive items to make it prettier than I originally planned. But I am still convinced I could build one for that figure and it would be not too bad looking in the end.

I'll be cheering for you to get this one together without a big expenditure on your part. You have a very good shot at it judging by your excellent start.

You should do ok on the back brakes too. Back ones generally go cheaper than the fronts, and you have two other rear ends to sell off to raise some money to buy them if you wanted to.

If you are going to run that A rear end with the spring, that kick in your frame just might be enough if you use an A rear cross member. We can talk more about this after you get the frame home tomorrow.

That's true. I'm using an A rear spring and crossmember on mine, and it puts it down pretty low with that combo.

Wire Wheels 50.00 Each

go to SHAY OWNERS CLUB INTERNATIONAL and look at the for sale section shays come with a 4 bolt [same as mustang] 6 cyl. the factory parts were bought by an individual and he is selling new spoke wheels for fifty each. he also has door hinges and light switches at great savings mike
Grant it I've been collecting parts for a while and prices have gone up some. But I hit alot of local hotrod shops and by there discarded unwanted items before they post them on e-pay...The motor was a deal where my budy said I have a motor but you gotta come git now, cause the tow truck is on its way to haul the truck to the scrap yard.I also have some A model Cross members and horns laying around that I bought from a guy in Yellow Springs Ohio that has a 120x40 Pole barn full of Model T and A parts/cars and other assorted junk...I have a ton of builds going on in various states of finished and un-finished degree's.... The HAMB I have my 49 Ford f-1 build that i am doing with a buddy, on I have this plus a 64 Falcon Gasser and me and my brother are building his 29 Sport Coupe, and when we go to LAke Cumberland to visit my folk's we search all the fields and hit the local auto parts stores and ask who around here has what kinda questions, you would be surprised what you can turn up by doing this.And I have my 54 Bel-Air that I really need to show some love but she runs so good and looks ok so I need a turn key runner that I don't have sitting on jack stand for months so I have done nothing to it but wheels and tires since I pulled it out of a Barn in MArion ohio..Trust me I search and search constantly for parts so yhea I've been lucky on finding deals..But I still need tons of parts....I'll keep you posted on the build as I go along thank's guys for all the help so far...Ryan
I see the beginnings of a cool old school T Bucket. I'm going to be watching how it goes. I know what you mean about starting out simple and getting caught up in making it pretty. I'm glad I caught myself. Nevertheless, I'm back on track and will still fall below by projected budget.

Oh, please don't forget to show us how you get that dash to work. I know it can be done, I just want to see it happen. I dig you guys that have the machines, tools and experience to avoid buying a lot of new stuff.
Oh, please don't forget to show us how you get that dash to work. I know it can be done, I just want to see it happen. I dig you guys that have the machines, tools and experience to avoid buying a lot of new stuff.

Fred its just the gauge cluster and bezel not the whole dash that I have extra..That would be a cool idea if I could come across one, would have to shorten the width, Damnit Fred now my wheels are turning..the gauge cluster is enough thats it no more wild ideas I'm in over my head as it
Sorry. I should have been clearer. I did mean the gauge cluster and not the dash.:o Either way, you seem to have some great ideas on what your version of a T Bucket should be and I look forward to seeing it come to life. Keep us updated and if you find something you can't use, toss it on the classified. I'm kinda looking for little detail pieces to give my car a little identity.:D
tfeverfred said:
Sorry. I should have been clearer. I did mean the gauge cluster and not the dash.:o Either way, you seem to have some great ideas on what your version of a T Bucket should be and I look forward to seeing it come to life. Keep us updated and if you find something you can't use, toss it on the classified. I'm kinda looking for little detail pieces to give my car a little identity.:D

I'll keep an eye out, I'm sort of a pack rat, I try to buy a little piece of something at every event I go to, it mey be a small piece of trim, or an old tool, or maybe even some battery cable ends, just something to keep in my stash, I forgot to post that I have an early T oil lamp with the red lense on it that i plan on using for my tail lamp(not with the oil of course...)I have a pretty cool idea for the dash if I don't use it on my car I think my brother is going to on his.. I have to take some measurements first and if it work's I will post mock up pics soon....Thank's, Ryan

The frame looks real rusty in this pic, it actually clean's up pretty good.


Thats my brothers early Wolsley grill shell on there just playing around..



man were we bored or what, after several trips to the gargage bringing spares down it was time to stop before things got out of hand.


I wanted my honey to take some pics of me making engine noises but she did'nt want any evidence of how queer I
That's an awesome start. Now just fill in the gaps and your off to the next rod trot!

Yhea I figure on the pace that I am on now I should have it done in time for my 9 year old to drive to his retirement I've been saying I'm gonna build this think for about 12 years now, but atleast I really have the ball rolling. If I can find a bank to rob and get away with it I'm set...Yhea I was kinda pumped last night when I drug everything together..I get rid of my club's gasser project that has started to grow roots in my garage on Wednesday, so I am planning a next weekend wrench session, to try to get everything in a real rough mock up stage.. I am searching like crazy for a steering box, I have an 48/9 F-6 Ford box and column but I think the ratio is gonna be way to much, plus I have an late 30's early 40's Mopar box and column, both are perfect candidates I just need to count my rotations on the F-6 box, its the same size as a F-1 but I think the ratio is just not right..I still am un-sure of wht rear I am gonna use one of the banjo's would be cool, but just think I'm gonna have a ton in one, I think I may run an S-10 rear that I have and continue to gather parts for the banjo and when its complete then go for a rear swap.Oh well enough for now I'm off to start some honey do's, gotta keep her happy... Ryan
Watch for a '39 to '48 car box. They use the same inards as the F-1 boxes. Speedway has a booklet by Vern Tardel on these boxes that will help with the rebuilding or modifing.

LRS30, thats a really nice collection of parts you have going. A bolt here and there, and pretty soon its a car.
If your T hood won't work out for you, try a '28-9 A hood. It's a little longer.

Ahhhhh....shucks.....Thanks... Let me know if I can be of any help.


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