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New Guy--corvair Steering Box Question


New Member
I need to replace the worn out VW steering box on a T-bucket I recently bought. I am going to replace it with a corvair box. Is it worth the extra expense to buy a Flaming River or just reverse a standard corvair box. On a different note this board has been a great source of information in getting all the steering problems straightened out on this car. The guy I bought it from had it for 7 years, I would not have kept it 7 days with the way it drove. My last problem was shimmy around 50 mph , seems that these cars are notorius for that. After squaring up the car,getting the ackerman right, getting the bump steer close, balancing the whole wheel/assmy, tighting the h**L out of the friction shock made the shimmy go away. Thanks for all the info
Welcome to the site. Glad to have you here. The stock early Corvair Box polishes up so nice, I guess that's the way I would go.

Corvair box is the way to go. I have several in stock if ya need one. Reversed and ready to go. $200.00 I'll pay the shipping if you are in the 48 states.We also take Visa and Master Card now...:D
Corvair boxes are good- RPM has been out bidding me on them for the last two years now. I have been rebuilding them since 1979. Mine are $300 and I do require you pay shipping and I dont have Master Card or Visa- just a money order. My address is 232 U.S. Hwy 287N, Crockett,Texas,75835 Mikey Daniels
trhccd said:
I need to replace the worn out VW steering box on a T-bucket I recently bought...

I put in a VW Bus steering box in mine, works great! Not trying to talk you out of anything, but I don't think there's anything fundamentally wrong with them either...

We have 3 Flaming River boxes, one on my T, one on my Son's T, and another that just came this week for my other Son Dans '29. I like them, but not sure if they are really any better than a rebuilt Corvair unit. We wanted new, and Flaming River had a good reputation with their racks, so it seemed like a no brainer. But we have had some disappointments with them.

Mine had to be replaced after only 300 miles because all the grease leaked out on the way to Daytona. They handed me a brand new one, so I liked that about them. My Son's had a lot of play in it right out of the box. I adjusted that out, but you would think a brand new unit would not need adjusting for a while.

Dan just got one for his '29, and only did it because no other box would fit his application. He isn't sure yet if it will be perfect for it, but we are going to try. I would have thought a brand new box from a reputable company would have been simply terrific, but I can't quite make that claim yet. Time will tell.


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