Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

new guy from az


Hi, my name is chaz, just came across this site looking for information on t-buckets as all i have to start with is a frame and a love of these cars, hope to learn alot, thanks
You will learn a lot here. PM me with your email address and I will send you some info that may help.......
Good luck with your build. I just got back from Pheonix and there seems to be pleanty of spare car parts along I-40 in your neighbor state of newmexico. I have never seen so many junk cars in my life. It was awesome.

Merry Christmas from the Rooster and his old HEN
"WELCOME" You'll find a wealth of good information and friendly people on this site.
rooster57 said:
Good luck with your build. I just got back from Pheonix and there seems to be pleanty of spare car parts along I-40 in your neighbor state of newmexico. I have never seen so many junk cars in my life. It was awesome.

Merry Christmas from the Rooster and his old HEN

There is also a great salvage yard in St. Johns, AZ that I saw featured in a magazine a few years ago.
Welcome to the group chaz75.
Welcome to the site and good luck with your build. You will learn a lot from this site.

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