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New Guy from Texas

Tom Slick

New Member
Hey everybody!

My name is Tom, I'm an engineer and long-time car guy... I've decided to build myself an open-wheel Ford to play with...

I just started getting parts together for my build...

First item is a Jaguar IRS... hoping someone might be able to help with mounting information... seen a few kits, but they seem a little high in price...

I'm also looking for any input on frames (welded or kits, have a 210amp MIG welder)...

Anyone have a body for sale?

Tom Slick
Welcome from New Mexico........Talk to Ron Pope (sponsor of this website) about the body you want.........
Welcome from Oklahoma. Another sponsor of the site CCR has frame plans for Jag rear and Spirit cars makes bodies too. To many options here!
Ron Pope offers frames at a good price. I think he will make them any length you want. STUDY everything first.
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Welcome from Ontario.
You should tell us a bit about your plans because you need 10 post's before you can add pictures.
Well, I'm wanting to build either a Model T or Model A Roadster... I already have a Jaguar IRS from a 1987 XJ6... Inboard Brakes, Salisbury Diff, LSD...

Planning to run a Mustang II IFS along with it, so the car will handle well... I have friend that has a 283ci chevy with a Muncie 4-speed M-21... thinking about using it as the drivetrain...

And it already has a name.... The Thunderbolt Grease Slapper!

Tom Slick
Welcome from Houston, Texas. Lots of good folks and good info here. Ask questions and post pics.

First thing I'd do is pick a car you LOVE, not one because it was the right price. It's the passion that'll keep you from throwing stuff, when something goes wrong. Go to a show or cruise-in and find the person who has a car you're considering. Talk to him and let him tell you what he did. Listen. Take notes and pics. Research. Research. Research.

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