Hi everyone, glad I found this site. Love "T's" and prety much all Hot Rods.Been doing this for around 45 years. Still trying to learn this computer stuff. Hope everbody is well. Later, Jon Betschman.
welcome, glad to have you here, lots of good folks on this site. they can help with just about any questions you have and feel free to speak up if you have some tasty tidbit of info yourself. chaz
Weclome to the site. There are a lot of very informed peeps here. So far they answered all my questions and gave me lots of ideas for me to use for my build. :welcome:
Welcome to the forum Jon, you going to find this a great place to hang out. Most of the guys here are older and have been playing with cars most of their lives.
Hellooooooooooo Jon, Bout time we ran in to each other again.. You are as bad as me, with all this movin around... Where is Valley Center, CA.??
Well You sure can help a few people here, if you are so inclined... (when you get to learn this forum and computer stuff, hehe The Craftsman that you are, they/You are few and far between... We will be talking finally, Glad you are here my friend...
Jon, is one heck of a GREAT craftsman, He has a lot of super equipment in his garage, more than a lot of so called Pro shops. and He knows how to use it all, one of the very best that you will ever meet.. So, pick his brain...
Thanks for the welcome everone, Ted knows more about these "T" things than anybody I know. Thanks for the great words Ted. Talk to ya later. Jon Betschman, Valley Center, Ca.
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