Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

New member in Toronto Canada


New Member
Hi Guys great site and lots of info. I am looking to build my first T. I am trying to get as much info as possible before i start. Thanks to Youngster for posting the frame DIY info very helpful. I am looking at doing a RAT ROD look with the flat black and red accents and just a bit of chrome. Would like to get a stretched body(i am 6'1") with a turledeck. Any info on bodies you could share would be great. Also i have a line on a rear end out of a 98 Caprice which is a posi and has disc brakes. It is 57inches rotor to rotor and 51 inches inside caliper to caliper. Will this work? i look forward to your feedback and many more posts and exchange on ideas and opions
:welcome: From Texas
I'm surprised that the Caprice rear end is that narrow. The 67 Chevelle rear was 61" outside to outside. I had a 9" Ford Torino rear in mine and it was 61.25" outside to outside. I had about 4" between the inside of my back tires to the bed. Too wide but that's life. The 57 Ford station wagon rear would have been what I needed but they are getting pretty rare and expensive. If your measurements are right it should be okay. You can always narrow up the look by deepening the backspacing on your wheels a llittle if you are using wide wheels. If it's cheap enough it might be worth buying for trading stock if later you find it's too wide. JMHO...........Steve........... P.S. Welcome
Hey Guys thanks for the welcome. Hey keeper i am actually on the Pickering Toronto border so we are not too far away.
DerSpieler thanks for the info on the rear end. i will check it out this weekend and it will be the first part on my quest. Next weekend i hope to start cutting some of the brackets from youngsters templates just to see if i can make them or woll need to buy them.
Once again thanks for the welcome and info
BTW I have all the CCR plans here if you would like a copy.

Hey Keeper how much for the plans?I might have to sell mine and build another in the spring.
Welcome to the forum...There is ALOT of good people and good information here. I too am new at building a T and to make it more challenging we are building 3....The guys here help out alot.
Welcome to the site SBJ. that rear end should work just fine. the disc' will be a plus for you.

If you are using the hair pin as I described in the plans, a much easier way to accomplish this is to slot the bottom of the rail so as to raise the DOM tube half way into the tube. Then weld a gusset 1-1/2" to either side of the Dom. Lot less welding in that area this way. I did this on my '27 and liked the result much better. Check for an up date on TKO this after noon. I'll include pic of this.

Younster have you posted the change to the radius rods mount to the frame yet?
I do like the look of the Spirit radius rods does anyone know what thickness of plate do the use to join the 2 rods?
no but it's simple. cut a slot in the bottom of the frame rail 7/16" deep to fit the 7/8" DOM half way in. when cut one of the brackets to staddle the tube as a gusset. less welding in that area that way.

I guess you could weld the DOM in at a right angle to the frame and cut and angle on the outside of the tube to match the angle of the radius rods and the original brackets can clean up the look.
no, cut the right angle to the bushed end. should be the same angle as the DOM would have been with the two gussets.

no problem, glad to see the plans are being used.


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