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New T Bucket to New Mexico


New Member
Thanks for all the info on this forum! I just picked up a T. I've had all different hotrods and such, and grown up around classics and rods pretty much my whole life. My dad is a bit of a collector, when I was a kid he had a T tub stashed way in the back of our shop. I loved that car! It was never finished, and he sold it that way- broke my heart, but ever since I've wanted one of my own. Fast forward 40 some years and last week I took an 1800 mile round trip to pick up my own! It was a little neglected, but I got good start on polishing, and bringing it back to glory! A wheel/tire update are coming, and I'm toying with the idea of taking it from yellow to orange.
Welcome, Troostr! This is a great place to get advice and encouragement for your build (or re-build). Yes, post some pictures as soon as you are able. If I understand you correctly, what you have is a T-tub (aka Phaeton) right?
Welcome from Southern New Mexico (Artesia),,,,,,,,,We look foward to seeing you at the Artesia Fun Run next year..............Where are you located in NM........
Welcome, Troostr! This is a great place to get advice and encouragement for your build (or re-build). Yes, post some pictures as soon as you are able. If I understand you correctly, what you have is a T-tub (aka Phaeton) right?
No Sir, I wish. I have been looking for the right one and maybe someday when the right one comes along I will. This one is a bucket.
Welcome from Southern New Mexico (Artesia),,,,,,,,,We look foward to seeing you at the Artesia Fun Run next year..............Where are you located in NM........
Cottonwood You likely have seen me at the Artesia shows. I had the T in the Light Up Artesia parade last week with my daughter in it. Picked it up Monday near Laughlin, had it parade-able by Thursday. I will definitely be hitting up the locals (I know there's a few) for tips and advice!

I finally got an image to upload! I put some Tru's I had on it since they had better rubber than what was on it, and did some polishing so far. It's in line to get the tub changed to Orange, and I really want to go with some bigger rubber the rear with some mag wheels and a pair of gasser fronts. I have a little taller polished intake, new plug wires and runners, valve covers, etc. I want to dial in the details a little. I think kingpins are in order too just to tighten the front a little. Fun little hotrod though. My wife says it reminds her of the flatbottom sanger I built a few years ago, but for the street. I guess that's a fair opinion.
Looking good,,,,,,,,,,,,I sure would like to see it in person......I will get that done soon too..........
View attachment 24702

I finally got an image to upload! I put some Tru's I had on it since they had better rubber than what was on it, and did some polishing so far. It's in line to get the tub changed to Orange, and I really want to go with some bigger rubber the rear with some mag wheels and a pair of gasser fronts. I have a little taller polished intake, new plug wires and runners, valve covers, etc. I want to dial in the details a little. I think kingpins are in order too just to tighten the front a little. Fun little hotrod though. My wife says it reminds her of the flatbottom sanger I built a few years ago, but for the street. I guess that's a fair opinion.
Nice bucket..

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