Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Newbie From New Mexico


New Member
Hi To All , My dad started out to build a Track T 10 years ago at the age of 68. Well afer the Heart bypass and other medical problems. We moved him to the Southwest from the Northwest. He and I got to work over the last 6 mos. This is the end result. We have years of oval track dirt racing on the Westcoast. Don't Think we will be taken this one to the dirt track any time soon !
Looks awesome! Shame to cover that beautiful flattie.
Thanks for the good replies !
Yeah we found that out after we spent the time on the Aluminum hood and panels.
I bet that we spend more time with the panels off !
This is the way we showed it last week at the Southwest Super Nationals.
Las Cruses? who lives in Las Cruses anyway? :hooray:
Welcome from El Paso!
Mike in ep :cool:
When I was up north I lived in Kirkland and owned a auto repair in Marysville for 25 years. Form the sounds of it I wouldn't miss that drive now a days. After 5years in the desert I still cant get enough Sun.
FlatheadTrackT said:
When I was up north I lived in Kirkland and owned a auto repair in Marysville for 25 years. Form the sounds of it I wouldn't miss that drive now a days. After 5years in the desert I still cant get enough Sun.

Traffic ain't getting better, and for the next 10 months, I-5 is going to be a mess as they to all kinds of major repairs... Have I said I'm jealous yet? :lol:
Howdy from Amarillo.
nice lookin' rides :cool:


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