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Newbie in the bucket world.


I always feel like Im posting a personal add on Clist with these type of posts. LOL. I like long walks omn the beach....oh wait, wrong forum.

Hot rodders son here, dad built everything from model As to willys over the years growing up and I have always been a 70s muscle car guy. Im a 35 year auto mechanic.

I decided its time to get a hot rod so I recently found a bucket. It has been in the same garage and out of daylight for the last 20 years. Originally built it 1984, parked in 1999 and covered up. Glass kit, from what I can tell its a Total performance kit. VERY nice car back in the day, all chrome and powder coat underneath but definitely an 80s child. Ron Francis wiring, car seems to be well done but has suffered being parked near the coast. Covered in a garage but still a moist environment so some of the chrome and aluminum polish has suffered, but I will bring it back to its former glory, not looking to update it much at all, just restore it as it was.

Looking forward to some good info and help, maybe I can help someone along the line myself.
Welcome aboard from a sunny Caribbean island, where about all we have is coastline, so I feel your pain on that.

Lots of great folks here, all are always eager to help.

Hurry up to get your 10 posts in so you can post some pics of your new T.

Yes, welcome, EB! From what I can see in your icon, you have a nice '70's style bucket with brass lamps, radiator, etc. It's a good look. I like your idea for preserving the 'build' original concept. If I may, what are the specifics of your SB Chevy power plant?
Yes, welcome, EB! From what I can see in your icon, you have a nice '70's style bucket with brass lamps, radiator, etc. It's a good look. I like your idea for preserving the 'build' original concept. If I may, what are the specifics of your SB Chevy power plant?

Its a 68 327, bore o scope shows flat tops, unknown cam, gear drive and 144 B&M puffer. Has an old 4010 pop top holley on it and thats about all I know. Ill bust her open this winter and re seal, update the cam and toss some new rings and bearings in it but its really snappy and responsive. TH350 trans and tri 5 chevy rear diff.

I was raised in the 70/80s and remember having to crawl under dads 29 RP before oakland roadster show to polish the chassis before judging so I kind of like this era. I plan on keeping as much original as I can.
Welcome aboard from a sunny Caribbean island, where about all we have is coastline, so I feel your pain on that.

Lots of great folks here, all are always eager to help.

Hurry up to get your 10 posts in so you can post some pics of your new T.


I will ;)
but its really snappy and responsive.
I firmly believe that a short stroke crank (3.25" in the 327) is the way to go in these light cars. It gives them the rapid response. If I ever build another one it is going to have a blown 302 which is a 3" stroke.
I firmly believe that a short stroke crank (3.25" in the 327) is the way to go in these light cars. It gives them the rapid response. If I ever build another one it is going to have a blown 302 which is a 3" stroke.

I made the comment the other day, this thing leaps like a frog LOL

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