Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Newbie just dropin by to say HI

Nas T

New Member
Hi guys great site, just thought i would say hay. Don't know much about T Buckets but what I do know i do understand.
looks like I know a few names on here, this might be fun. Hope to find everyone on the board in good health and a smile on your face takes a lot less energy then a frown.:lol:
:lol: Welcome aboard, Are you still getting two miles to the gallon or has it dropped off some. :lol:
Welcome Ron from the swamps.
Good to see ya on the "other board"
Oh,By the way, The new guy buys the coffee.....:lol:
Glad to see you here Ron. I'm sure you will be an asset to the site. One thing though........what the hell took you so long?!!!!!!

Welcome to the site. Feel free to pitch in anytime.

:hooray: Good to see you over here,,,
Thanks guys for the nice welcome, to be honest with you i guess i didnt know it was here in till my son said hey dad did you post your video on t bucketeers i said never heard of them, then i went to the site and saw some names i knew and now im here. I guess he can track all the videos he does for me and where they go.:hooray:
Hola Ron, I'm falling asleep right now so I'll keep it shorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Tford2 said:
I am new to this site, but building a T, all be it in 1/8th scale, any ideas would be most appreciative.

You should go to the introduction forum and do a tell us a little about you and your project... since you're doing a scaled "t", thought you might like to see this:

WOW!!!!! is that cool or what??? What do you think he would do if the neighbor ran over it while backing out of his drive?

Very kewl! Finding someone to do the engine work must be tough.

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