Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

NSRA York, PA East Coast Nationals - Need lodging

Track T-4

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Supporting Member
June, 2009 will be our first time taking the "T" to York and I'm in a quandry about where to stay. We plan to stay the whole weekend. Any suggestions on hotels from those who have attended? The usual concerns of security for the cars, comfort, easy access to the fairgrounds, etc apply. I'd like to stay at the event headquarters (Holiday Inn) but there appears to be no vacancy. Thanks.
Yup, we're planning to make that one too.
Okay, I found a room in York so we are set for that weekend. Now on to the June NTBA meet in North Carolina. It looks like there are three hotels within about a mile of each other and 3-5 miles from the main gathering place. Can anyone from that area make a recommendation?


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