The Dodge brothers were the ones to cast up Fords' (early - including, I think, some T) engines, along w/some other intricate parts. Don't know when Ford took over machining/assembling, much less casting, the various parts to make a complete mill, but it was some time around when Ford bought out the Dodge Bros, so's he could have complete control. (Can't remember when Fords' Rouge plant came online - iron ore & trees in, complete cars out.)
The Chevrolet brothers made (aftermarket) parts for Fords (T & A{which also fit the B & C}) so they could go fast, esp on the dirt tracks, board tracks, & Indy. & of course, so did other hot rodders.
There wasn't all that much "Ford" in a Ford, back then. Depends on what time frame we're talking here, of course. More so than a lot of other makes, but still...
So you wouldn't be all that wrong to put a non-Ford emblem on the grill shell. +, "Who in 'H' really cares, anyway?" ...
