Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Parrot on a Surfboard 2.0

one finger john

Active Member
Hey, what happened to the different symbols beneath our names? I had grown quite attached to my parrot. Now everything looks so plain. Guess I'll have to figure out how to do an avatar.

Happy New Year !!! John
I figured Christmas is in the past, so it was time to dump off the Christmas decorations. (I set a new record yesterday, by having the Christmas tree down and all packed away for next year within 13 minutes of the kids leaving here. 13 minutes! :eek:k:)

Avatars are easy-peasy. If you're not using the red forum theme, scroll to the bottom of the page and select IBSkin Red Pro from the dropdown menu in the left corner.

Now scroll to the top-right corner and click on the down arrow next to your username.

Click on My Profile.

On the next page, look over to the right and click on the button titled Edit my Profile.

You should be on a page titled Your Options and the Profile tab should be selected. On the left, click on Change Avatar.

And now, it's up to you. If you have an avatar you want to use, then select the method you want to use to get it copied to the forum. Click the Browse button to navigate to an avatar image saved on your own computer. If you have an avatar stored on the Web, then enter the URL for the image. Or enter your Gravatar e-mail address to use your Gravatar.

Or you can use one of the avatars in the Pre-installed Avatars gallery.

Make the selection right for you and then click on the Save Changes button.

You're finished. :hooray:

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