Easy guys! I'm just an old guy who has been around this stuff for the last 50 years. Most of this stuff is things that I have seen in the magazines in those years and certainly not of my invention. I'd give credit for the original ideas ...if I could remember whose they were! CRS, you know:sad:. The only thing that I can take credit for is the drawings.
I've always liked to draw and make things and these 3D solid modeling programs really do a great job of combining those activities. Just draw all of the parts as though you were making them in real life and combine them into assemblies and see what the whole shebang looks like. You can revolve stuff any way that you want it, turn off the visibility of parts (thats what I did with the cover on the second pic) and change from orthographic to perspective with one button click. I use Inventor 8 which is getting pretty ancient now...but will do anything that I want or need. I can't even begin to imagine what is going on in the background in these programs as they are all mathematics based.
As far as why I am hanging around Bucket sites, that is what I cut my hot rod teeth on. A friend and I built one back in 1959-61. Here is part of a page from Rod & Custom from back then about that car.
Currently, I have a collection of stuff over here in the corner that if you close your eyes real tight and turn your imagination up full blast, you can almost see what might turn into a track roadster.

It's been that way for about 12 years now! It's kind of hard getting enthused about working nights and weekends on your own stuff after you spend 6 days a week working on other peoples stuff. Oh well, maybe someday. Guess that I'm just a Buckethead without the Bucket.
I probably shouldn't have gotten into this on this thread, don't mean to hijack it, just trying to answer the questions.
George Barnes