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New Member
How many posts do I have to do to get of the moderator will have to screen your post for content? I think I'm a big boy and know how to behave.

Jest a question, no hassels here.

Well, have you submitted your financial statement, Birth Certificate, IRS returns for the past 7 years, 3 personal references, and a note from your Congressman yet??? If not, that might be the holdup. :eek:;):):lol: Oh, and we need a blood sample and finger prints too.

Seriously, I didn't think there was any such period on here, is there?? :surprised:

None that I know of, but as an adult, adult behavior is a no brainer. There's lots of members here with families and they may have one of their children checking out the pics and other things. They should be able to enjoy the site without worry of foul words or pictures. Plus, some, like me, check this place out at work. Crap like that wouldn't be a cool thing.
ACJC said:
How many posts do I have to do to get of the moderator will have to screen your post for content? I think I'm a big boy and know how to behave.

Jest a question, no hassels here.


I don't know thats something for Webmaster to answer. I would just make a few posts and see if it goes away.
I think it's something like the first 10 post are really looked over by the software for large post, links, offensive language and such. When a new member post with a link or a picuture it notify's the Moderators when we log on and we can check it and if it looks OK we can approve it and it will be posted normally.
It's all good Yogi, just asking. Seems as if my posts were going through a sensor and I have to wait in naughty corner until it's checked.:naughty: This wasn't done in some Diesel forums I particiapted in and they were a clean cut too.

I've learned a lot in my short time here and hope top learn more and contribute to our cause and above all play by the :).

I'm :cool:.
Your account should be clear of the spam filter now and it shouldn't present you any issues.

We do it to keep the spam off the forum. We figure the last thing you want to read about on this forum are cell phones, dial-a-porn centers and cheap prescriptions.

Unfortunately, we'll sometimes get new members that post using words in the spam filter, so their posts get hung up. From where I sit, it's a small price to pay.
I guess I haven't posted enough I normally read more than post but now that I want to post in classifieds I can't is there a way I can get in the classifieds without making 10 posts ?
Well bumping 5 year old threads seems to help the post count!
:roflmao: And sudden;y, your previous experience manifests itself, as you obviously recognized a time-worn tactic. <looks around for a gold star to reward Keeper>

I guess I haven't posted enough I normally read more than post but now that I want to post in classifieds I can't is there a way I can get in the classifieds without making 10 posts ?
Keeper is much more diplomatic than myself. My own answer to your question would have been, "Nope."

To expand on what Keeper has said, and in a more pointed manner, we offer the Classifieds section to our participating members, in exchange for their participation. If you are just here to sell items, you need to be on eBay, instead. This is, has always been and always will be, a T-Bucket discussion forum and NOT a flea market.
howdy guys...just tried to do an intro and ad some pics of current cars...but not they have to wait for the 10 posts??

cheers joe
howdy guys...just tried to do an intro and ad some pics of current cars...but not they have to wait for the 10 posts??

cheers joe

Read the forum rules and guidelines. Should have seen this when signing up.
howdy guys...just tried to do an intro and ad some pics of current cars...but not they have to wait for the 10 posts??

cheers joe

Yes Jailbar, you will find this an enjoyable forum in a very short time. There are many very knowledgeable folks on here to share ideas. Hang with it.
Well, you did see who necro-posted to this one, back in 2013, don't you? And imagine that, he was wanting special access to none other than the Classifieds forum. Go figure. :laugh:

I probably should learn to relax, but when someone comes in and posts to ancient threads, all my spidey senses start jingling and jangling. It could be just a simple mistake, but 99 times out of 100, it is a spammer, looking to run up his or her post count.

Thread necromancy is not disallowed, as we do not auto-lock threads after a certain period of time. But to be quite honest, if you have a new question, feel free to post it into a new thread. There's no fines or punishments associated with posting new threads, whereas exercising thread necromancy will almost always bring about a bit more moderator attention than you might realize.
Funny how a thread that is right at 7 years old can resurface.

People just don't read the date that any thread was posted. It amazes me how people read what they want to and skip what is important, unless they are one of Mike's nemesis!
I did see the rules,but not the smartest computer dude around,i interpreted it wrong...sorry bout that......
this forum is set out a bit different to the other forums I am on so be a bit gentle on me and as I feel my way around I will pick it up....and yes...I have noticed
the great amount of knowledge and friendliness and that is what drew me to joining.

cheers joe

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