Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               



Hello all! I've posted here a few times and I'm slowly moving forward with my build. Thank you all for your help. I've made some progress and I thought it would be time to show what I've done!

First order of business was the engine. I got a 1984 305 SBC from on old truck. I rebuilt it, new bearings/rings, hone, clean, paint, etc. I also threw on some chrome bits and pieces. The carb is a 1974 Quardajet from a 455 Buick. I rebuilt that all too and modified it to run in my 305 (which was quite an adventure, Quadrajets are tricky!). I also built an engine stand to test run it, and wired it all up. The engine run stand is built out of old pallet rack beams and other scraps I had laying around. I was debating whether or not I needed the gauges, but I'm glad I did. I forgot to install the intermediate oil pump shaft and the first start I didn't have any oil pressure. I wouldn't have known otherwise. Luckily I caught it right away. I also hooked it up to a muffler and piped the exhaust outside of the garage. I'm sure contrary to most people here I don't really like loud things. I learned so much about how to rebuild an engine, use a micrometer, TIG weld exhaust, etc... it has been quite the experience. And I only ended up in the emergency room once! (long story).

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My next step is the rear end. I have a 1960-something Pontiac rear end that I've put disc brakes on. It has brackets for some triangulated 4-link or something but I have a Speedway rear end kit with hairpins. I'm debating what to do... I might have some more questions for you all about that soon!

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I have all the parts and pieces for the front end. I just need to weld on the hairpins. I don't exactly know how to do that and get everything all lined up. I've been so focused on the engine that I haven't really considered much of the rest of the car.

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Here's the body. I think I'm going to paint it yellow. I still haven't decided on bed/no-bed. I kind of like the look of a short bed but I don't know if my frame is designed for it? I might have to do a but more looking at what others have done.

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I'm really hoping to get it all assembled this winter. My plan is to assemble/weld the whole thing, then rip it all apart to paint and detail. I'm not sure if that is the best. I didn't get a bill of sale for a few parts. That was a mistake!!! I've been going back and tracking down sellers to get documentation from all the parts. Lessoned learned -- if you buy something important get a bill of sale when you buy it! It takes a LOT of effort to do it after the fact.
Congratulations! You really are making progress. The build is half the fun.
(We'd like to hear more about that trip to the ER when you have a chance.)
Congratulations! You really are making progress. The build is half the fun.
(We'd like to hear more about that trip to the ER when you have a chance.)
I was TIG welding a bracket to hold the oil pump pickup tube to the oil pump. I needed to take a break and reposition so I stopped. I put my filler rod on the welding table but it sort of fell in a crack or something and ended sticking straight up and down (it was about a foot long). I flipped my welding helmet off and saw something on the floor that I needed. I bent over to get it and my eye went right into the filler rod. The only time I ever have my safety glasses off is when I'm welding because they don't really fit under my helmet.

It felt like somebody punched me. I didn't know what happened at first, but I couldn't really see and my eye hurt. I went and looked in the mirror and went straight to the ER. I got super lucky somehow. I had a bad cornea scratch and I had to wear a patch for about a week, but it all healed back. It took several trips to to eye doctors and other appointments. It was pretty scary and I did think I would probably lose my eye. They said hit just off to the side enough, by the tiniest bit. Lesson learned: eye protection in the garage, 100% of the time.
I hate seeing anything sticking straight up and down like that. Guys i work with throwing long slender pieces of of wood or anything else in trash barrels etc., I stop, take them out and brake them to fit IN the barrel.
I was TIG welding a bracket to hold the oil pump pickup tube to the oil pump. I needed to take a break and reposition so I stopped. I put my filler rod on the welding table but it sort of fell in a crack or something and ended sticking straight up and down (it was about a foot long). I flipped my welding helmet off and saw something on the floor that I needed. I bent over to get it and my eye went right into the filler rod. The only time I ever have my safety glasses off is when I'm welding because they don't really fit under my helmet.

It felt like somebody punched me. I didn't know what happened at first, but I couldn't really see and my eye hurt. I went and looked in the mirror and went straight to the ER. I got super lucky somehow. I had a bad cornea scratch and I had to wear a patch for about a week, but it all healed back. It took several trips to to eye doctors and other appointments. It was pretty scary and I did think I would probably lose my eye. They said hit just off to the side enough, by the tiniest bit. Lesson learned: eye protection in the garage, 100% of the time.
So happy to hear that you are okay.
Sounds like that was a very close call.
Safety glasses are great, but I had a sliver of brass go under my safety glasses and into my eye one time, so there is no fail safe. Sometimes stuff just happens. Glad you are okay!

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