Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Project Update: Moving Violation

Long time no post. I haven't been quite right since attending the Road Rockets Rumble last June. I made a commitment to myself to have my bucket ready for June 2015, and I have been working toward that end. Anyway, I don't have time for snapshots so you will have to be content with this verbal update.

The frame has reached the point where paint is required. After that, final assembly begins. The powder coating is complete, the transmission is at the rebuilders and the final parts are on order. I will be heading over next week to Spikes in Brownsburg to order the radiator. Because this application involves a 2.3 Lima motor, the less expensive E-Bay radiators (probably made in China with all the rest of Speedy Bill's stuff) are not available to me. This along with a new set of tires will be my final major expense. The header has been finalized and will involve a 3" pipe running down along the side nerf bar.

If anyone from the list plans to attend either the "Rumble" or the NTBA event in September, you will recognize my bucket because it will have a meatball with a number on the door, a mystery radiator shell and feature real Halibrand pin-drive knock-offs. See you there!!!!
Long time no post. I haven't been quite right since attending the Road Rockets Rumble last June. I made a commitment to myself to have my bucket ready for June 2015, and I have been working toward that end. Anyway, I don't have time for snapshots so you will have to be content with this verbal update.

The frame has reached the point where paint is required. After that, final assembly begins. The powder coating is complete, the transmission is at the rebuilders and the final parts are on order. I will be heading over next week to Spikes in Brownsburg to order the radiator. Because this application involves a 2.3 Lima motor, the less expensive E-Bay radiators (probably made in China with all the rest of Speedy Bill's stuff) are not available to me. This along with a new set of tires will be my final major expense. The header has been finalized and will involve a 3" pipe running down along the side nerf bar.

If anyone from the list plans to attend either the "Rumble" or the NTBA event in September, you will recognize my bucket because it will have a meatball with a number on the door, a mystery radiator shell and feature real Halibrand pin-drive knock-offs. See you there!!!!

For the radiator, if you search on the bay for Honda Civic racing radiators, you will find ones that should work nicely...There are even 3 core versions. I'm seriously considering using a 3 row core version for my 2.8 V6 car.
Thanks for the heads-up!! Can you make the Rumble on June 25-26 & 27th. See the Road Rockets web page for details.

I wish I could, but with my mobility issues I would not really be able to. I'm working on a trailer to haul my power chair to allow me to go to just such events, but it won't likely be done in time.
I just bought a power chair carrier from Harbor Freight. for $155.00 with discount and it works great. Rated for 500 lbs. Plugs into receiver hitch.
I just bought a power chair carrier from Harbor Freight. for $155.00 with discount and it works great. Rated for 500 lbs. Plugs into receiver hitch.
Unfortunately my HD power chair comes in at over 550 lbs...and the class 2 hitch for both our cars have a 350 lb weight limit. The trailer I'm building will be 48"x40", with fold out 92" ramps, and a power winch for loading. It should be a pretty nifty set up, if I do say so myself.
I searched Ebay and found a lot of Honda radiators in my price range, however I need the core to measure 17 x 17 inches to completely fill the grill shell opening. Otherwise it looks kind of dorky.
I searched Ebay and found a lot of Honda radiators in my price range, however I need the core to measure 17 x 17 inches to completely fill the grill shell opening. Otherwise it looks kind of dorky.

I had planned on running one of these,29432.html with one of these,3546.html in front to hide the radiator size from the front...on the back use a fan shroud to hide the true size. Also, the shell I was planning on using was larger than a conventional T shell (from a 1920 Hupmobile), and it was big enough to allow tucking the overflow tank inside the shell next to the radiator.
That's an option-my shell is either from a '29 Chevy Truck or a late 20's Nash. It has a slight bottom to top inward taper that's very pleasing on a bucket and it's been chopped 4" off the bottom.
This is the shell I have
1920 Hupmobile Grill.jpg
But now I've gone a different direction, with a track roadster nose.
Mine is similar to yours, except the top of the opening is flatter and it tapers somewhat. What a great looking grill you have for a future project!!!
I'd still be using it, but with the extended body I have, and the short wheelbase bobtail style I want, the proportions were out of whack. It almost looked snub-nosed. Going with the long track roadster nose balances out the look. If I'm around and able long enough, I'd love to tackle a project with a straight 6 or 8 behind that shell, and one of RPM's stretched and widened bodies bringing up the rear.
Just ordered my radiator from Spikes today. Their radiator guy is a joy to work with. They don't get many rod builders coming by so he was VERY interested in the car it was going on. I had budgeted $550 for the rad and he came in slightly under that, and with a built-in tranny cooler to boot!!!! Next, off to the pinstriper to get the potter's trunk adorned.
I made the Rumble on Friday, but I had to trailer the car for lack of a license plate. Also, I did not have the car completely wired and the brakes are a little weak. The official unveiling will be at the NTBA event in September. Hope to see you all there!!
Looking back at your hitch situation, the class two hitch will handle 3500 pounds trailer weight. The tongue weight is what you are looking at. Your hitch will handle 3oo pounds of tongue weight according to this.
Hope this helps, Lee
  1. Class II hitches are weight carrying (WC) hitches rated up to 3500 lbs. gross trailer weight (GTW) with a maximum trailer tongue weight (TW) of 300 lbs.
  2. A Class II hitch usually has a 1-1/4" square receiver opening.
  3. A higher class drawbar does not increase the towing capacity of the hitch.
  4. Class II hitches usually attach to the bumper or vehicle frame
Looking back at your hitch situation, the class two hitch will handle 3500 pounds trailer weight. The tongue weight is what you are looking at. Your hitch will handle 3oo pounds of tongue weight according to this.
Hope this helps, Lee
  1. Class II hitches are weight carrying (WC) hitches rated up to 3500 lbs. gross trailer weight (GTW) with a maximum trailer tongue weight (TW) of 300 lbs.
  2. A Class II hitch usually has a 1-1/4" square receiver opening.
  3. A higher class drawbar does not increase the towing capacity of the hitch.
  4. Class II hitches usually attach to the bumper or vehicle frame
Thanks for the info. As I thought it verifies that the hitch mount power chair platforms will not work for chair is over 500 lbs. I just need to finish the little chair hauler trailer I'm building. Unfortunately my health issues have had me not feeling up to it.
Made it to the Road Rockets Rumble on Friday but rain kept the car under a tarp for most of the day. Next attempt will be the NSRA Nats in August. You will know the car by the number 17 in a green winged meatball on the side. See you there.

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