Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

public service announcement .... dont do this !


because by the time they tow you this far through the ice:


your truck will look like this:


(no this isnt me, lol)
Re: public service announcement .... don't do this !

I can hear it now... My GPS system said turn left! I guess someone got suck on some train track new here and got smashed by the train... her excuse... yep, GPS said turn left! (she missed the road by less than 10 feet)... So for them I go... :dummy:
I had an uncle who loved to play poker, much to my aunt's chagrin.

This uncle also liked ice fishing and he and some friends built a nice, heated ice house to pull out onto the ice. My aunt thought this was okay. She was raised Catholic and liked fish.

One day my aunt heard through the grapevine that the men were playing poker while they were supposedly fishing. Determined to put an end to my uncle's poker playing days she headed out to the lake. The closer she got the madder she got and when she drove onto the lake she was driving at a pretty good rate of speed. As she approached the ice house she realized she was going too fast and locked up the brakes to try to stop. The car spun a couple of times and only stopped when it hit the ice house broadside sending it spinning across the ice. There were no injuries, save a few bruises, but the car was pretty well torn up. I don't know if my uncle ever played poker again. I know that when he went ice fishing after that he had to bring home proof of where he had been.
So your Uncle stopped by the local fish market on the way home? :dummy:

Use to do the ice fishing thing in Colorado a long time ago. Thank God, nothing like that every happened to us.
How do you explain that to your insurance agent?
That happens at least a couple times every year around here, they'll never learn. Gets expensive too, sometimes have to get a diver to go hook the cable up on top of the towing bill. Insurance companies dont cover that sort of thing, and if you dont get it out of the water fast, like within hours, the fines from the DNR can be the most expensive part.
looks like the towing company did way more damage than the bath did.why did they drag it through the ice ?if they couldn't find a way to lift it why didn't they cut a channel in the ice to pull it through ?
I personally don't go on the ice. But look at the dates on the pictures, different color text, text in opposite corners, and almost a year apart. I doubt they are the same vehicle. If that last one was pulled out of the lake, it wasn't done by an experienced tow operator. Just my opinion.
Todd, they are in fact the same vehicle, the pictures were taked with different cameras, one of which didn't have the date set properly. the owner / driver is from my local area.

i dont think cutting the ice would have worked to well anyways. trying to cut a straight line for a few hundred feet, removing all the floating ice chunks AND dragging the truck in a straight line over a lake floor would have been impossible.

total tow cost in the end was $6300, and his ins did wind up covering teh tow and the vehicle. i think its because vehicles are allowed on the lake there during the winter, so he wasn't doing anything wrong, except for

heres the start of them pulling it out:


and heres after they got it some distance

Lowrollerchevy said:
Todd, they are in fact the same vehicle, the pictures were taked with different cameras, one of which didn't have the date set properly. the owner / driver is from my local area.

i dont think cutting the ice would have worked to well anyways. trying to cut a straight line for a few hundred feet, removing all the floating ice chunks AND dragging the truck in a straight line over a lake floor would have been impossible.

total tow cost in the end was $6300, and his ins did wind up covering teh tow and the vehicle. i think its because vehicles are allowed on the lake there during the winter, so he wasn't doing anything wrong, except for

heres the start of them pulling it out:


and heres after they got it some distance

They had a perfect straight edge guide in that cable run out to the truck.Since I don't know the depth of that lake i'd run a couple slings under the vehicle running side to side and attach these to some air bags on each side and try to float the truck just in case it's deeper than the 5 or 6 feet where the truck is sitting in that first pic .You don't try cutting and clearing a river from truck to shore in 1 swipe but cut a path of several feet in front of the truck cut large blocks say 2x4 feet and clear a few blocks from in front and tow the truck a few feet and just to be nice to other ice sportsman you could push the blocks back in the cut behind the truck !My father, Uncles, and Grandfather cut ice for income back in the day and had to retrieve a few cars from the rivers around here,Of course a model AA truck might not have gotten that much damage if they did drag it through the ice !
lolol this happens alot in minnesnowta..
Today on discovery channel on the show dirty jobs they showed tri state diving of detroit lakes pulling up a sinker. They make it look pretty simple.
Anytime you start dealing with large amounts of thick ice it gets to be alot of hard labor. I need to get my saw sharpened up and other ice tools gathered to go cut the hole for the annual polar plunge in town here, as long as they can keep finding idiots to jump in the lake in february Ill keep cutting the holes..
A 10' x 15' hole thru 30" plus of ice takes a small crew about 3 hours and a half gallon of captain morgan..
2 weeks ago someone north of here dumped a payloader thru the red lake river, BWAAAAAHAAHAAA!! it belonged to the city and he was the cities operator with 28 years on the job, he went out to clean a road to his fish house, he got fired..They sure butchered up that that one pictured! lololol
Really makes ya wonder doesnt it? lolol
A few years ago I was up on lake of the woods (that tit thingy on the top of minnesota). We wandered off a well travelled road into an area where we wanted to fish but nobody had been there in a couple weeks. There was 3 of us in the front seat, me in the middle. Rolling along we hear a big crash and the right side of the pickup went down hard. Getting out of the truck very rapidly we saw what had happened. We broke thru about 8 inches of crusty ice and fell into about a foot and a half of trapped water sitting on top of about 30 inches of good ice. Thats enough to put the fear of god into you. I have an extreme respect for travelling on the ice as I have been there and done that...lololol

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