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Radiator cleaner

skinny mike

Supporting Member
Supporting Member
Been working on this issue riddled bucket too long, always nother small thing. Had new rad in, filled it and block, noticed a mount problem, drain both, clean water out of the radiator of course BUT dirty water from the motor! So..I plan to block lower hose, fill the motor with water/Prestone rad cleaner and let it sit a while. Maybe a week, then drain and flush with garden hose. Don't wanna fire it up and have that dirty water go thru the rad. This safe and do-able? older sbc.
Should be no problem. BTW, when you refill, you might consider using distilled water, which is free from some of the minerals that can cause deposits in your cooling system over time.
Distilled water is the only way to go for all my vehicles!
Yeah..I used distilled...a buck a gal. Oh well, a buck here, a buck there, so many of-em. Much thanks for the replies.
Don't know how many have a de-humidifier , but the water that it collects is distilled (clean enough for a rad) and it's free !! My unit in the basement makes about 2gal. A day in the of those thrifty tips.
Btw, vinegar works to remove rust. I’ve also used it to free seized engines, like old tractors, etc.. I always use antifreeze/coolant but it gets cold here. I’ve also heard that “the works” or other bathroom mineral cleaners work to clean cooling systems.

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