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Radiator Mounting


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I did an extensive search everywhere and I can't get any info on how the fiberglass shells and aluminum radiators available now mount to the frame.

This is the radiator I'm going with but I have yet to order it...

And this is the shell I have and where it mounts. I assume the tabs on the frame are for the side brackets on the radiator and shell and they look like they may line up. I also read that it should all be rubber mounted. Wouldn't this be very flimsy and wobble a lot? I had a similar setup on my '28 Model A hot rod but I had support struts going to the cowl.

If someone could provide pics, that would be great!
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I've not had personal experience w/ that particular radiator , at that price I'd be suspect of the quality , ya know the old saying , if it seems to good to be true ......
In answer to your ? try to isolate the radiator w/ rubber , AFA it flopping around , the rad. hoses do a pretty good job of stabilizing fore & aft movement .
If its just a shell, you'll have to make your own brackets, when you mount this to frame. What I did was mount 2 powder coated angle brackets inside of housing, lay radiator into housing on the workbench. Transfer mounting holes to brackets, and drill.
Then I used some fender washers and some foam rubber donuts on either side of radiator brackets, with thru bolts. Snug down the bolts and the donuts will allow some cushion for the radiator....
Then, mount your housing. Some folks like to bracket the radiator to the frame. Just so happens the shell I'm using is metal....
I did not want to use rods from the radiator to the cowl for support. I chose to make a simple angle iron framework around the back of the radiator with an "X" type reinforcing system. My radiator and grill shell are both solidly mounted to the frame and have been for many thousands of miles with no problems. Check the attached picture.

Thanks guys. Yes, I too am suspect of the radiator, but I've seen many of them for around that price for a while. I bought a cheap aluminum one for my '66 Charger and it worked great with no issues. So, who knows. Maybe I'll get lucky...
I use a good rule of thumb buying on ebay, If they don't list a phone number or its location is not in the US i don't buy it. Those radiators are all over ebay for sellers that have those requirements.
I am in a similar situation and tossing ideas around on how to mount the fiberglass shell. I do not like the idea of mounting the two bolts through the fiberglass and then the radiator into the frame. Seems like the slightest over tightening will crack the glass and not enough will wobble the radiator off. On top of that, bolts through the glass dont seem appealing to me.

Idea: use strong velcro between the radiator and shell. Yes this does kind of sound cheap and not strong. But i found out the newer mustang louvers are mounted to the rear window with velcro. Surprised me! However Im not sure how strong the adhesion would be of the glue on the hot radiator.
Made my radiator supports by bending 1/8th stainless steel to fit around radiator[Mustang with Chevy outlets] and mount like it did from factory with clips and bolts. Welded a piece of 1 1/4 angle about 4"long to the bottom of the support. Drilled 2 holes horizontally and 2 vertically into the angle piece, then bolted it to the frame at the correct position and angle for the radiator to look right in place. Cut the sides of the radiator shroud to fit inside the frame and drilled holes to mount to the vertical holes in the angled piece. Bolt through angle, then a nut to lock it on. Shroud next with a stainless washer and acorn nut to cover the bolt threads. Does not move at over 100mph. Just fiberglass bowing in the wind.
__I I __ Crude drawing, but maybe you"ll get the Gist of it. Look at a Mustang Radiator support and you will see what I'm talking about.
Lines will not line up in drawing. Don"t know hoy to use paint or other options.

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