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radius rod brackets on rear end

Youngster; the pics you posted, is that a friction shock? if so, tell me about it. how do you load it? can you increase the drag on the friction material?



I assume your are asking this George and not the other George (GAB). I think what you are looking at is the short arm riding in a white bushing just above the rear end housing. That is not a shock, it is an anti-roll bar assembly.The white material you see is UHMW and is being used as a bearing. When I get back in Monday, I'll see if I have an overhead picture. Sorry it's not what you thought. As you can see (or can't see) there are no shocks but that is just because I haven't bolted them in at that time.

yep, you're the guy. ok i see what you're saying. makes me wonder if a friction shock could be made in that fashion tho.


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