Youngster, this has been a learning experience for me.
It might have been easier to have burned CDs or photo copied the articles and sent them by snail mail. The original emails I sent were too large and were sent back with error messages. I think I have gotten all the original emails resent, but I still have a lot more to send this week. It will probably be Thursday before I will have another chance to send them and I might not get all the parts of the article sent until next weekend. I think I sent an email to to everyone who requested them informing them that I would be sending them this week. If I missed someone, please send me an email.
I received the Jim Kirby T build magazine this weekend. You are right about it applying today. I think I see some of his influence in your frame design (the front spring perch
). I will have to figure out a better way to get a copy of that build article to the people that want it. 

I received the Jim Kirby T build magazine this weekend. You are right about it applying today. I think I see some of his influence in your frame design (the front spring perch