Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Re-activate old account?


New Member
Hi there. It has been a few years for me but I am starting another project and tried to get into my tbucketeer account but it does not seem to be working. Brsturges was my user name. I don't seem to be getting any of the confirmation emails from the site on the email address associated with that account. And I get 404 errors when I try to look up profile info for that account. Can an administrator assist?

Welcome back, Brad. The site has changed hands since you left, so that probably means you have to start over. I'm sure Jan, our web mistress, will respond to you.
Brad, I am looking into this for you, but it may take me some time. I don't see where the issue is so I will have to dig further.
Hi there. It has been a few years for me but I am starting another project and tried to get into my tbucketeer account but it does not seem to be working. Brsturges was my user name. I don't seem to be getting any of the confirmation emails from the site on the email address associated with that account. And I get 404 errors when I try to look up profile info for that account. Can an administrator assist?

Sending you an email now.

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