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Remove tabs on a TH350?


New Member
I can't find it now, but I thought I read somewhere on here that I'll need to grind off these tabs on my turbo 350 tranny so the Spirit body will fit. Is that correct?

Probably, Mines not a Spirit, but those tabs had to be cut off.
one of mine was broke so i took a die grinder with a cutoff wheel and shazam no more tabs
The Spirit body fits fine with those tabs in place. I have a Spirit body and frame. I'm using the left tab to mount my horn. :razz:
Yes sir, careful work with a sawzall and and a grinder and it will look great. My Total body hit to so I cut both off
Those tabs are only for assembly line operations at GM. There are of no use after they leave the factory.

Thats a great idea Lee. Guess Ill have to weld it back on:D. I think both mine were in the way on my TP body. Thats what makes this site so great lots of good knowledge
Any time you are working with Alum.. remember to have the wax handy, if you want to cut or grind, Wax up the cutter or grinding pad first, this will make things work almost like steel, no clogging of the cutter or grinding disk, WD 40 works as well, just spray the disk now and then, or the saw blade, cutter?? everything... speeds things up real nice... :D
Lee_in_KC said:
The Spirit body fits fine with those tabs in place. I have a Spirit body and frame.
I guess I should qualify my statement. The Spirit body will fit fine assuming the body sits on the frame with the same spacing as on a Spirit frame. If you have other than a Spirit frame (Spirit dimensions), it may not fit.
Ted Brown said:
Any time you are working with Alum.. remember to have the wax handy, if you want to cut or grind, Wax up the cutter or grinding pad first, this will make things work almost like steel, no clogging of the cutter or grinding disk, WD 40 works as well, just spray the disk now and then, or the saw blade, cutter?? everything... speeds things up real nice... :rofl:

Good tip, thanks. I'll probably follow Lee's experience and wait to see if they really do need to come off. Or I might itch to DO something and take them off anyway. We'll see what this weekend brings. :D
Lee_in_KC said:
I guess I should qualify my statement. The Spirit body will fit fine assuming the body sits on the frame with the same spacing as on a Spirit frame. If you have other than a Spirit frame (Spirit dimensions), it may not fit.

My kit is all Spirit.
I'll have to find my copy of the Shadetree Mechanic build of a Total T. I'm pretty sure they had to cut them off.* No tabs on my C4, LOL.

* Individual results may vary.
Mr T Bucket said:
I'll have to find my copy of the Shadetree Mechanic build of a Total T. I'm pretty sure they had to cut them off.* No tabs on my C4, LOL.

* Individual results may vary.
Why dont you put copies up for auction of the Shade Tree build?I watched that and i thought it was real informative for someone new to T-Buckets
Rick said:
Why dont you put copies up for auction of the Shade Tree build?I watched that and i thought it was real informative for someone new to T-Buckets

It's copyrighted material. you'd have to get permission from the holder of the copyright before you could make copies and sell it.

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