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Roll bar ideas


Active Member
Since I participate in vintage exhibition events with my t I have been tossing around the idea of a roll bar. This would also allow me to have shoulder belts as well which would be nice on the street and keep me from eating the steering wheel if someone jumps in front of me. I'm also hoping to run my car at Loring Timing Association to see what it could do and it will require a roll bar since it is a roadster/convertible. Obviously I will be discussing a lot of this with the tech staff there to ensure it is up to code but just wanted to brainstorm ideas here. I've read a bunch about the risks of rollbars on the street since banging your head into it could be pretty serious even in a minor incident. So I was looking to do a bolt on option that could be removed for the street.


The above idea may not be feasible but would allow me to add the overhead bar when on dirt tracks and timing course but take it off for the street but retain the use of shoulder belts. This would involve extending the frame out the back to allow for a small 4 point setup (yellow) that would allow for the shoulder straps to attach. The blue section would slip down into the yellow section and also have a bar going from the center down to the lower right cowl and bolt to the frame through the floor. The plan would be to use large u bolts to clamp around the frame. The blue bar would use a internal sleeve that would slide down into the yellow section. This would extend into the yellow bar by a foot and likely possibly just as much into the blue section so it's plenty strong.

Again just brainstorming ideas and trying to see what's possible before diving straight into it.
Get a rule book from the series you want to race in. The u bolt won’t do. Most series want a 4” square plate with 4 bolts. You will need a diagonal from top to bottom of the main hoop. You may be able to have the cage below the body line remain and bolt on the top half for racing. Good luck.
Get a rule book from the series you want to race in. The u bolt won’t do. Most series want a 4” square plate with 4 bolts. You will need a diagonal from top to bottom of the main hoop. You may be able to have the cage below the body line remain and bolt on the top half for racing. Good luck.
Yup I've been looking at the rule book and figured I may have to have legs going to the back for the top bar too. I could make 4 bolts work vs the u bolts. Luckily they have a 135mph and less street class that only requires a rollbar if it's a convertible. I definitely don't see this thing going faster than that haha

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