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Safety Wire Yes Or No ??


New Member
im working on my chassie and brakes and total
calls for safety wireing a number of things.

now i dont know bout you guys but i feel this
is an old art. for one thing you gotta know how to do it.
its not easy at all. another thing if you use a lot of chrome you will be wipeing it down a lot (i do ) and you will cut yourself ( i did )

i feel this is the reason god invented thread locker
and im prob just going to use that.

i just wanted to get someone elses feelings on this.
please chime in. dont be shy tell me what you would do.

use safety wire or thread lock ?????

thanks a lot guys:)
Safety wire, absolutely.

That, or extend your bolt lengths and drill them for cotter keys. Castellated nuts are ugly.

We used nylock nuts on the race car and after each race the car went up in the air to have the fasteners all checked. I don't know about you, but that is far too much work for a car I want to be driving and not wrenching on. ;)

The chemical thread lockers cannot provide me the peace of mind of a mechanical locking device. YMMV.
I agree with Mike, I've ridden motorcycles for years including early Harleys and British bikes that were subject to a lot of vibration and safety wire when properly done will give you much more security, plus it will impress other streetrodders and fabricators that you took that extra step to keep your ride safe. Here's a link that might help.
The safety wire is only required for the clevis ends in the Total kit and the wire is also used on the bolts for some of the disc brake kits. That isn't too bad. I have it on my clevis pins and while I have not been scratched yet, I'm sure my hand would heal quicker than the rest of my body if they have to scrap me off the asphalt.:eek:

Also, there was a thread on the NTBA about a member whose clevis pins came loose. He didn't get hurt when his car shot off the freeway, but I'm sure it was a ride he doesn't want to repeat. From what I have read, after the first little shakedown ride it is recommended to check all the fittings. It is interesting to note that in every article I read, some of the fasteners were loose.

Use the safety wire. The inconvenience is minor.
What a great thread Fred. I would not have even known about doing such a thing had it not been for this forum. Thank you.:o

Here is a link I found a long time ago about how to do it on the disc brakes. This link is by a guy who did a '33 coupe. It is VERY informative because a lot of what he did applies to all rods. The whole link is worth a look through. It is very indepth and LONG!

The steps on using safety wire is the three following pages:

This guys build up is the most informative journal I have ever found. Add it to your favorites!
thanks to all that posted !!! as a result to all the posts i have safety
wired erveything :lol: i did it all yesterday , only got stabed 3 times by the wire :S i just happened to have done it the same way tfeverfreds post said how to do it . that was a good artical and added that site to my faves.
New here but on our old race cars we safety wired EVERYTHING having to do with steering and suspension. It's not that hard just time consuming.
Hi Butch. :welcome:

I agree with you, it's not that difficult to safety-wire, it just takes time. I think most guys are willing to spend hours bolting on the flashy stuff, but when it comes to something as unglamorous as safety-wiring, then it's another story.

Who needs a suspension or steering fastener coming loose at 65 MPH, in heavy traffic? Not I!
First of all let me introduce myself to the forum. I just registered tonight and am just taking in all the information and seeing what's here. I am really impressed with board and appreciate all the work it takes to keep something like this running.
My name is Dale and I'm located in in deep South Texas in an area known as the Rio Grande Valley. I am about 3 1/2 years into putting a Total Performance car togather. It runs and I am about ready to license it and hit the road.
It has Wilwood discs all the way around and the hubs are safety wired to the rotors. The owner of a repair shop near me used to be an aircraft a & p man and did the safety wire for me at a very reasonable price. You might check around and see who could do that for you locally. Everybody that looks at the car really likes the job he did. I'll try to include a pic in a future post.
Well don't want to be too long winded! Looking forward to being on the board!
Well, I'm new here, too, and I like all the info here. One thing, though, are those bolts that you are safety wiring have the holes in them or is there somewhere that you buy the bolts with holes in them? Stupid question???
The nuts and bolts do not come with holes there in lies the problem.You have to either get a drilling fixture from Speedway or someplace like that and drill the nuts THEN assemble the part and drill through the bolt then run your wires.Not me Nylock and Lock Tight for me.Just remember ALL bolts have a torque factor you must tighten them properly.ALSO a wet nut will torque different than a dry one.So you see it's a different strokes for different folks deal.:lol:
Once again, the knowledge of someone who has been there comes in handy. According to Total, the only parts that I was told should be safety wired were the clevis pins and the disc brake kit. Both of these make good sence. Everything else is up to the individual. But as Rick has said, you have got to torque correctly and use Lock Tite.

Also, as I have heard, it's a good idea to check things out on your car before you drive. Kinda like a "pre-flight" check. It wouldn't take long and could save some grief.

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