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Say what you will about Speedway.....


I know a lot of us buy from Speedway (I have been using them for 25 years or more) and I know a few people question their quality, etc. However, I have to tell of something that happened today that blew me away.

We installed a set of Wilwood front brakes on my Son's T bucket right after it was done last year. They have always stopped like gangbusters, but were dirty as h***. Even after driving a mile you had brake dust starting to build up inside the front wheels. There was also some apparent dragging because the rotors were starting to score. My Son Don tore into them a while back, removed the guts from the proportioning valve, thinking that pressure was keeping them tight against the rotor. He basically rechecked everything and couldn't come up with any logical reason for the problem.

So he called Speedway and spoke to a Tech there who told him the Wilwoods are essentially race car brakes and too efficient for the street unless you tone them way down by using a proportioning valve. Then he told my Son he would send him new rotors, a proportioning valve, and some softer pads for the calipers...................all at no charge! :eek: What company does stuff like that in 2009?? He hadn't even asked for anything, they volunteered it all. :eek:

Speedway has always been like that, never a hassle on a return or problem. When that steering arm snapped a year ago they not only took back the two we had bought, but they immediately pulled every one from stock and stopped selling them, and still don't sell them. In all these years I can't remember one time they ever failed to try to take care of us.

Just thought I would pass along what my personal experiences have been with one company in our industry.

i agree with don....great service and customer relations.... i don't mind sending bill my cash!!

Speedway has taken care of me several times. I called a few weeks ago asking about some parts that were not in stock yet and the rep told me he would call when their inventory was complete...ya right huh. Well a few days ago I get a call from the same rep (Tim) letting me know they have the part in stock now and are ready to take care of me if I still need. I continue to be impressed with Speedway and appreciate the service.
i have wilwood disc on the front ,its the light duty for t buckets and cars under 2800 lbs,i have a problem i dont understand both rotors on both sides are scored compleatly with deep scores and i have about 3000 miles on them not sure i will get 3000 more out of them
I agree, anytime I had a problem all I had to do was make a call. If it was a defective part, a replacment was sent along with a UPS pickup for the defective. If it was advice I need, all I need to do is pick up the phone.

They offer excelant customer service.
This is the reason they are swallowing up all the speed companys that are under or going under. Good service , Fast delivery , trumps what the rest of these companys are doing. If you are going to survive a down turn in the economy you better get your act togeather. And quick. I buy from them first.
They have ALWAYS done me right. They are my first choice for stuff. Heck, a while back, I returned an item and the money showed up on my card quick.

Speedy Bill ROCKS!
Found out something from a Speedway Tech ,
I ordered my Gauges ( Auto Meter) yesterday and while quizzing the tech about what I would need to hook the Electric Speedo in a old C-6 he asked what Rear end I had I told him it was 8,8 out of a 2004 Explorer , He said Great is the ABS sensor in the top of the housing ?? yes ?? Then all you have to do is wire a plug and use it because it sends the same signal as the one in Transmission .?!! :eek:
Kool !!! Saved me about 60 bucks for the speed sensor !!
RocknT said:
Found out something from a Speedway Tech ,
I ordered my Gauges ( Auto Meter) yesterday and while quizzing the tech about what I would need to hook the Electric Speedo in a old C-6 he asked what Rear end I had I told him it was 8,8 out of a 2004 Explorer , He said Great is the ABS sensor in the top of the housing ?? yes ?? Then all you have to do is wire a plug and use it because it sends the same signal as the one in Transmission .?!! :eek:
Kool !!! Saved me about 60 bucks for the speed sensor !!

Now that is freaking sweet!
Wilwood has a pretty good tech section in their catalog which is on line. They do make good stuff and they do have both street and race brakes. Call and ask for Carl.

i have wilwood disc on the front ,its the light duty for t buckets and cars under 2800 lbs,i have a problem i dont understand both rotors on both sides are scored compleatly with deep scores and i have about 3000 miles on them not sure i will get 3000 more out of them

That is precisely what my Sons look like. He probably has 1500 miles on his and they are scored very badly. If you bought them from Speedway give them a call and see if they will hook you up too.

This will get you... hehe the more scored they become, the bigger the stopping surface becomes.. some racecar places even machine in groves to inlarge that surface, stops better, that is a place where bigger is better.. Just takes a bit longer for the pads to get wore in... If you want to test it an easy way, take a narrow piece of paper the length of the pad surface, now fold small folds into that paper, let it relax, and now measure the length, then add that to the real width of the pad surface, amazing how much it grew... Some guys go to extremes to out do their competition.
I ordered a lot of parts from them recently and they caught a duplication :o in my order and called me to correct my order, thats what I call honest service. They will continue getting my business. ... Francis
Well I'd like to put in my two cents worth.I like Speedway a lot and have bought several kits from them great people.I also bought some from Total Performance
and now I have it from a reliable sorce that TP has sold out to Speedway so what I am saying is that Speedway is here to stay (I hope).
Everette pedal to the medal Moore
damn guys, when my rotors scored up, I found out the screw holding the inside disc had backed out. The replacement had some locktight on it, and it hasn't happened again since.
This is the way it works in my shop ...if i can't build it or get it from RPM, it's commin from Speedway!


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