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Shock question


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Supporting Member
I'm building a Spirit Car and will not use the friction shocks on the front. I have my upper and lower mounts in for the shock. The suspension unloaded will yield a open length of 12" with the suspension hanging. I dont have wheels and engine and trans weight yet, and was wondering if I should wait on choosing a shock. I can find a shock locally that measures 12.5" open extended and closed will be 8.75". Do you think this one will give me enough travel? I have no idea where the ride height of this car will be but cant see it sitting down too much.
What do you guys think?
Thanks in advance,

I bought front shock based on what I thought I needed when I was at the same point as you; I bought the wrong ones. Now, when I get the rolling chassis finished, the body set in place and my ride height established, I will buy the right shocks. I will gladly wait 4 or 5 days to get them knowing that they will be the right ones.
Wait till you get proper ride height shocks are one of those things you can definitely wait on and should unless you want the wrong ones.
I would wait till all the weight in on the car before making your top or maybe the bottom shock mounts, as most 5" travel shocks will be plenty good, unless you are off roading like I sometimes do, but mine worked then also. But, I do have the shocks mounted well behind my axle, so they let the axle travel farther than if they were closer to the axle... :)
Well, That was nice... I think that when building from scratch and not following a pre-designed plan, it is best to get the whole unit together and not so locked into a set position, so that when finished all the important suspension parts will now be mounted correctly, so as to give full needed travel in all directions... This is also why I like to drive the car in the NAKED stage, because no matter how much we think we got it right, there is sometimes 'welded parts' that need changing, so, as much of that as we can avoid, the better. :)

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