Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Slave to the system


Well-Known Member
I never thought I would ever miss something that didn't have blood in it's viens, until I realised how much I miss the darn internet.


WOW! While the hurricane that went through Houston is my main focus, I did get a bit of good news as soon as I logged in. My situation with my insurance company was at first puzzling and then frustrating, but when I logged in, I was able to read a post from T-Odd. It has given me hope.

Thanks internet. For giving me the chance to be in touch with people who care.
tfeverfred said:
I never thought I would ever miss something that didn't have blood in it's viens, until I realised how much I miss the darn internet.


Isn't it something how we can get addicted to things that didn't exist as recently as 5 years ago. My desktop computer took a dump a few weeks ago and it took me a day or two to get my laptop sorted out so that I could get on line. I walked around in a daze until it was up and ready. A couple of weeks ago my current economic situation caused me to cancel both my satellite dish and Sirius radio. Adjusting to cable TV is a bitch but I really have the shakes when I get into the car and don't have the Sirius radio. There are a lot of decent terrestrial stations around here but my town in in a black hole and reception sucks unless you want farm reports or a 'mix' station. The dish and the satellite radio will be back in the spring.

WOW! While the hurricane that went through Houston is my main focus, I did get a bit of good news as soon as I logged in. My situation with my insurance company was at first puzzling and then frustrating, but when I logged in, I was able to read a post from T-Odd. It has given me hope.

I hope everything works out for you there. I have never heard of Chrome insurance. I had Condon and Skelly which I got through my local agent who also handles my homeowners and regular car policies. Living in a small town sometimes has its advantages when it comes to things like buying insurance. I went to high school with my agent so I've know him most of my life. I'm more than just a policy number. It looks like things are going to get sorted out in your favor, though.
Glad you are safe and back Fred!
The place hasn't been the same with out you either!
Mike said:
It's good to hear you're safe and sound, after Ike blew through.

Something like that can really give you a fresh perspective on what the important things are in life.

Yup. Like the other day when I went to the store and bought some things. Came home and wanted to heat up a can of soup. Thing is, my can opener is electric.:eek: I went after it with the trusty flathead! Every tool has a purpose.:)
That'll teach ya Fred. I buy the ready to serve with the pull top, just in case Ike hits up here! LOL

tfeverfred said:
Yup. Like the other day when I went to the store and bought some things. Came home and wanted to heat up a can of soup. Thing is, my can opener is electric.:eek: I went after it with the trusty flathead! Every tool has a purpose.:)

How did you open the soup with a Ford flathead?:lol:
Go to the sporting goods store or Army surplus and get a couple of the old P-38 can openers they used to issue with C-rations. I managed to save one from my military days and keep it in silverware drawer. It gets used a couple of times a year, especially on cans that are taller than my electric can opener.
Hey, Fred, did you see the message for you from Bill Darr on the other board, in that long thread about your woes? Be sure you do see it and respond to him.

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