Well I am back again, I decided to replace the starter with an oem type to fix the problem. Now I am completely confused, I have spark to the plugs but the engine will not start. I checked the ignition module per the Mallory distributor check specs and it is fine. I have replaced the distributor, rotor, module and cap with no luck. I have checked and rechecked the timing and it is dead nuts on number one on compression stroke. I have 7lbs of fuel pressure so that is not the problem. I replaced the ballast resistor with no luck. I also bought a new coil that goes with the unilite distributor that requires no resistor, still no luck. Also went so far as to replace the plug wires, still no luck. Anybody got any ideas for this dumb a???????. Thanks. Oh by the way, it has gears for the timing not a chain so the idea of it jumping a tooth is out also. This engine is brand new with 20 minutes of run time. HELP