Active Member
Mike...Just consider it cheap entertainment! Those of us without TV must have something to laugh at. Your House, Your Rules!
Mike, Yes, Please delete his posts from my profile. Thank you! I don't know why he elected to do that, or why I was nominated as the go-between or whatever. I just tried to see both sides and offer a reasonable exit strategy for both without taking sides. No good deed goes unpunished! Lol. I should have been in the shop working on the t instead of watching football and the internet.racenitro is gone and away. My sincere apologies for missing his impetuous rants and temper tantrums.
@fletcherson - I can remove his rants from your profile page, if you like. Let me know.
I really cannot understand these kinds of people. If he felt he had a problem with Spirit, then why didn't he take the matter up with Spirit? What was to be gained by airing his dirty laundry here, then teeing off on people who held a differing opinion.
And since we all know he is still perusing the forums, I want everyone, including him to see this.
racenitro made two donations to the forums. He donated $10 (less a 59¢ processing fee, for a net $9.41) on 19 January 2014, and a second donation, of the same amount, on 22 March 2014. Those donations came to a total of $18.82, which I have cheerfully refunded to him.
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And I have binned his forum account.
Now we all know that this prat has yet to reach the end of his wee temper tantrum, so he will now doubtless be adding me to his hate list (move over, @B.C., make room for me), but there is the proof that he is getting his skirts up over his arse for no reason. He asked to be removed, so I complied. I also refunded any money he ever donated to the site. I'm certain I will still be the arsehole for binning him, but had I realized this nonsense was happening, he would have been gone before this.
Again, I apologize for him pissing all over everyone and everything. Let me know what I can do to clean up his mess, and I will get on it, as quickly as possible. In the future, if someone starts this kind of nonsense, click on the Report link, in the bottom of the post, so I will catch up to what is happening, before it gets so far out of hand.
Pity it always has to come down to rules and regulations with these kinds of numpties. Amazing how just plain, ol' common sense can prevail in most instances, but there always has to be someone who is a legend in his own mind. But, never fear, I'm always here and prepared to haul rubbish to the curb.Your House, Your Rules!
I've removed them from public view. The messages are still there, in case we ever need them for any reason, but the moderators and I are the only ones who will be able to see them (as if we would ever want to see them, that isMike, Yes, Please delete his posts from my profile. Thank you!
Thanks again! Ditto on the last part.Pity it always has to come down to rules and regulations with these kinds of numpties. Amazing how just plain, ol' common sense can prevail in most instances, but there always has to be someone who is a legend in his own mind. But, never fear, I'm always here and prepared to haul rubbish to the curb.
I've removed them from public view. The messages are still there, in case we ever need them for any reason, but the moderators and I are the only ones who will be able to see them (as if we would ever want to see them, that is).
For someone who has been shooting his mouth off for the last 4 or 5 days, I really have to wonder why he was so quiet, whilst he was at Spirit, who clearly were willing to do whatever it was going to take to please him. Instead, he preferred to drive back home and play his 6th grade, keyboard kommando games, trying to belittle our membership as a whole.It was unfortunate that you didn't say anything when you were here about the quality of the body and we would of gladly refunded your money and shipped the body to the next order in line as they would of been happy with the body.
I don't understand why he didn't just deal with the source of his advertised aggravation. Nothing seemed to cool things, and everyone suggested that he deal direct. Maybe I have just had to deal with more than my fair share of BS in life, but things seldom go exactly as planned. You have to deal with issues and roll on down the road. Soon enough a real issue will arise that you can't resolve.I've been approached about possibly deleting this thread, but to be honest, I am one of those people who figures that which doesn't kill us only makes us stronger. And to delete the thread would be to delete one extremely important statement, that I think may have been overlooked in all the uproar.
Take a look at what Josh had to say to racenitro -
For someone who has been shooting his mouth off for the last 4 or 5 days, I really have to wonder why he was so quiet, whilst he was at Spirit, who clearly were willing to do whatever it was going to take to please him. Instead, he preferred to drive back home and play his 6th grade, keyboard kommando games, trying to belittle our membership as a whole.
I've spent a bit of time looking back through all the posts in this thread, paying particular attention to racenitro's continued and ongoing farewells. Back on 18 December, at 8:10 PM Eastern, he said he was leaving. Apparently he is not a man of his word, as he was back again on 19 December, at 3:34 PM, saying he was leaving again. He's been spewing nonsense to several members' profile pages, as late as yesterday. And just to show you the kind of stuff he is made of -
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Some of his rubbish has included complaints about his 25 hour round trip to Spirit, but I've taken the time to do some fact-checking and if that was a 25 hour round trip, he must have driven by way of Minneapolis, because O'Fallon, IL is only ~285 miles away from Flippin, AR.
Another bit of fabrication on his part (I don't want to be non-PC and just call it what it is - an out right lie) was his comment that he had been in business for 52 years. Pretty amazing for someone whose listed birth date places them at just 67 years of age.
When someone starts telling tall tales about the tiny details, what are the odds they will be truthful about the bigger details? Zero?
The only downside to all this is the sniveling whiner is going to go make someone else's life miserable, with all his bitching and moaning.
I'm going to remove his comments from other members' profile pages, unless someone has replied to him. If you were unfortunate enough to have had him pissing on your profile page and you've responded to his nonsense, I will not remove anything without you asking for me to do it. Fair 'nuff?
Maybe it wasn't the problem the drama queen made it out to be?I don't understand why he didn't just deal with the source of his advertised aggravation.