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Steering Column through the floor.

I just think it looks cool that way. I agree climbing in and out is a bit awkward, especially if you have a top on the car, which I don’t plan on doing. I think the foot and leg room seems good while you are sitting in it though. To each their own. If we all built identical T-Buckets it would get really boring!

Thanks for the ideas! Yes, having the column coming straight out of the floor is the coolest. Not needing to be supported with a brace at the dash is part of that. Obviously a steering box with an integrated column and steering shaft make this much easier. Needing a coupling between the two complicates things. The column is going to need a substantial support tied into the frame I'm sure to get a solid feeling at the steering wheel.

The suggestion of the unisteer is really good, $370 from speedway brand new. That's a competitive price with almost any new steering box for bucket projects. Everything else for the crafty builder can be done for a very reasonable cash outlay, free labor.
BTW, this might be helpful to some.

Speedway Black Friday sale

Save $25 off $250 • $50 off $500 • $75 off $750
I don’t have pictures yet. I’m real close to starting but I can tell you my plans. I have made a flat plate with the bolt pattern to mount the R&P. I will be mounting to the top side where it’s not flat so I have stand offs to clear the bulges and that will be welded to the inside of the frame. Up front I will have a crossmember with the bellcrank arm connected to the passenger side spindle. Does that make sense? If not I’ll make a drawing.
You can put an awful lot of work and time into a steering column...

over 150 hours of my time to do this..

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I like the mechanicalisticness, if that’s a word, of your car. Lol... cool to see old school practices as far as the skill to build stuff. My buddy is a lifetime machinist, cnc mill, to be precise, and although it’s hard to compete with the machine, I appreciate one off parts that are made in a home shop with basic tools and craftsmanship. I have a mixture of both on my build.... I make everything possible, within reason, and have him help me with some... I rely on him to make adapters, etc like when adapting the rotors onto my spindle mount mags and opening holes, etc. I have been considering procuring a manual feed mill for my shop but I really need more space.
Ok, I tried to post pics of the steering box, column, and wheel but I cannot because the website is not compatible with my device. I am sorry. If you want, message me an email address and I will send them to you.
Does that make sense? If not I’ll make a drawing.

Not 100%, but I'm not in a hurry, I'd rather see the finished result. I would say at this point I'm going to go my own route on this but these ideas I'm getting here to make that happen are terrific. I do have a nice lathe and mill, given enough time I can produce some good stuff. A piece of sturdy tubing and a couple sealed roller bearings to fit it, and I'm off to the races.

This is the look of the column and shifter I'm shooting for, not the execution so much. This is a budget project for me, I've got enough money gobbling cars already in the works and I don't want another. Just moving on a decades old idea I have been kicking around. The goal is always to make things look new, just cheaply in this case. Body and paint are what I'm best at and where the money really flies out the door if you don't do it yourself.


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