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Strange C Cab


I was oogling on Ebay U.K. and saw this '27 Lakes body , but waht caught my eye was the "Super Cab" C Cab in he back ground. I was wondering has anyone seen a C Cab like this over here in N. America? or is a U.K. custom maybe 1 off. Not that I want one but it is kind of cool looking and would like to see some pics of one done.
That looks just like the body (cool lookin' ride) ,you can see the "cresent shape" on the edge of the "door?" entrance. The seller is karama-kustoms in the U.K.
some how i f**Ked up and tried to post the same line as above(frickin' pills are screwing me up again) good nigh......ZZZZZ
Here's another. I love the cartoon look. :)


Seem to remember there were a small number of bodies (3?) made from the same mold but not all were built into cars.


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