Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Support auction questions/ideas


Active Member
Can we work out something for the auctions? I know its a new idea here but we need to at least set up some "guidelines" I think there are (or recently were) 2 auctions going at the same time.

While it is a great thing to see it takes something away from both auctions.

So some suggestions.

1. Only one auction going at a time.
2. Items for auction should be submitted to the webmaster for posting.
3. Auctions will be posted in the Lounge (or another appropriate forum)
4. One auction every 2 weeks? I guess this would depend on the approximate "worth" of the item.
5. Maybe post a list of upcoming items for folks to view?
6. If we have forum "merchandise" in stock maybe have a "If your item pulls in $$$ you get a t-shirt" (I am still waiting on the t-bucket coffee mug!!)

I could be way out to lunch on this but I think if set up a rolling list of items we should be able to support the forum without issue.

Please lets hear some more ideas!

1. Excellent idea.
2. I think Mike has enough on his plate. We do need a moderator though.
3. I would like to see a separate area (probably in the lounge) with a graphic showing the top bid so we don't have to read all of the previous posts to figure out where everything stands.
4. There should be a set time limit on the auctions. This is probably a good idea.
5. When stores run sales they want to sell what is available then. Friends of mine work at the local grocery store. More than once they have seen me looking at a certain item and have told me to wait a couple of days because it's going on sale. I wait and get a good deal but the store loses money. I think the same principle works here. Someone will see an item up for auction that they want but then they see something that will be available next month that they want more and will hold back on not bid on the current item.
6. That's up to Mike. Forum merchandise is his property. This sounds like a good idea but only he can make the decision.
"1. Only one auction going at a time.
2. Items for auction should be submitted to the webmaster for posting.
3. Auctions will be posted in the Lounge (or another appropriate forum)
4. One auction every 2 weeks? I guess this would depend on the approximate "worth" of the item.
5. Maybe post a list of upcoming items for folks to view?
6. If we have forum "merchandise" in stock maybe have a "If your item pulls in $$$ you get a t-shirt" (I am still waiting on the t-bucket coffee mug!!)"

1. I don't see a problem with more than one auction going at a time. Ebay probably has millions of them going. I don't think everyone is going to try and bid on every auction.

2. Well maybe, but it is not like he does not have enough to do alreay. That was one of his complaints was too much time on the maintance for the amount of money he was making.

3. Yes a seperate place for auctions would be good. We also need to try and keep on track with the auction.

4. same as #1

5. No, because then you see something down the list you want and don't bid on whats up for auction now.

6. Not sure I understand were this forum "merchandise" is coming from. The rewards for donating something is we get to keep Webby happy and we get to keep out BBS going.

This is just my 2 cents worth, or maybe its worth less. :)
der Spieler said:
1. Excellent idea.
2. I think Mike has enough on his plate. We do need a moderator though.
3. I would like to see a separate area (probably in the lounge) with a graphic showing the top bid so we don't have to read all of the previous posts to figure out where everything stands.
4. There should be a set time limit on the auctions. This is probably a good idea.
5. When stores run sales they want to sell what is available then. Friends of mine work at the local grocery store. More than once they have seen me looking at a certain item and have told me to wait a couple of days because it's going on sale. I wait and get a good deal but the store loses money. I think the same principle works here. Someone will see an item up for auction that they want but then they see something that will be available next month that they want more and will hold back on not bid on the current item.
6. That's up to Mike. Forum merchandise is his property. This sounds like a good idea but only he can make the decision.

Auctions should run continuously but only 1 item per auction

Auctions should run 1 week from date of original post.

Bids only or a BTT post on auctions only. Keep the auction post directly to the point.

If I wasn't so clueless of what I'm doing I would volunteer to moderate I think that is a great idea If someone will do it !

The HAMB has several auctions running all the time with no problems I don't see why it can't be done here.They do have a lot more people there so one at a time here might not be a bad idea for us right now that's up to MIke and the Mod If someone will do it

I don't think that us getting a Free anything from Mike is a good idea He had to put out his own funds for shirts etc.He would be loosing money if he started that!

Most of us have SOMETHING we could donate for an auction just look around your shop or home.

I thought the auction would be a good thing for everyone involved that's why I posted the first one.
The auctions are a great way to raise funds for the site. I see no problem with running more than one at a time.

I would like to see them as a sticky on the home page so we don't have to do a search to find them. One thing i'd like to suggest is the thread for the auction would only be for bids. If you have a comment or a suggestion for a spin-off, post them on a separate thread. Seems like it clouds the auction item.

The idea is to free up as much of Mike's time and personal resorces as possible. A moderator would be an excellent idea. As for the t-shirt give-a-way, I think Mike has given enough already. If Mike is agreeable, maybe one of us could take over the merchandising.

Maybe we could look at standardizing the auction procedure so everyone know how it will work, i.e. time length, payment options, shipping details, etc.

It has been suggested in another thread that donations of the price of a pack of smokes or a 6-pack or a magazine would be helpful. This is very true. It dosen't seem like much on to it's self but it's like buying nuts and bolts for your project, it adds up.

Perhaps someone would be willing to accept donations from those who prefer not to use Paypal and pass them on to Mike.

Just some random thoughs to concider. Sorry for the long post.

i've seen the t shirt mentioned several times----where can i buy one--i like the idea of a tab or whatever for the auction
i like the idea of the auctions--this could really help the support needed for the website--i've heard about the t shirts where can a guy buy one
especially if it helps the site--the idea for a tab or whatever for the
auctions gets my vote
OK, here are my thoughts, all of them worth exactly what I'm charging you for them. ;)

I don't care if we have one auction running, or one hundred.

If we're going to run auctions, then the auction threads need to be set up with post number one being a description of the item being auctioned and whatever reserve price the seller wants to assign to it. From that point, all subsequent posts to that thread need to be bids and bids alone. If someone has a question on the item, use the Private Messaging system to get additional details.

I've had a couple members ask me to stick auction threads, so they will appear at the top of the forum. We can do that, but I'm thinking it might be easier to set up a separate auction forum.

Quite frankly, I do not (and cannot) read every single new post on the forums. <GASP> I know, that sounds strange, but there are a handful of really good reasons for it.

This forum is now one of four that I own and operate. The fourth is now in the process of being set up and in the last two days it has already had about 12-13 hours poured into it. I figure in another 5-6 hours, it will be ready to rock and roll. I have three other forums set up in test directories, so I can tweak files and templates there, rather than experimenting with one of the live forums. I'm always looking for ways to make the forums run faster and with less load on the server, so that process is ongoing.

I work a 40 hour/week job.

I own and operate a part-time Web-related business that I run in my home on evenings and weekends. Business has been pretty weak of late (surprise, surprise :wall:), but I am currently contracted to co-admin two forums for admins that cannot handle the technical end of things. And I do pick up some odd jobs, upgrading vBulletin forums and making changes to them. When times were better, I could make more in a weekend than I could at my day job.

I moderate three vBulletin-related forums.

I am active in both my church and my Masonic Lodge.

I've just been advised that I am going to be heading up a U.S. chapter of a Scottish-based historical/social/religious/political organization. Ah wiz press ganged, 'f ye ken whit Ah'm oan aboot.

I have an eleven month old granddaughter that gets all of her grandpa's time she wants. Everything comes to a stand-still when she's around.

I spend time readining vBulletin-related forums, trying to pick up on tips, add-ons, hacks and strategies that will enhance the forums I own and maintain.

I don't mind taking time to eat a meal every now and again, or to clean house or do laundry. It's not often that it happens, but I do like to read a book from time to time or watch a bit of television. Had I mentioned trying to take a very special lady out on a date, once in a while?

I was in the office at 4:30 this morning, put in time at my day job and I will be in here working on the new forum until 10:30-11:00 tonight. I wanted to be in Lodge tonight, but this new forum needs to be done before the weekend. I ate lunch whilst working on the forum at noon and I'll eat supper working on it again tonight.

I'm not whinging or griping, I'm just trying to show everyone I am stretched so thin you can see through me. When I walk in a door, I have to make way because I am passing myself on the way back out. At present, I'm out of time for any new projects.

I need one, maybe two members that are familiar with vBulletin forums to step up as moderators. The hours are long and the pay works out to be absolutely zero. It's not a job that comes with a stick you can swing at forum members, because it takes a certain level of patience to moderate a forum. Any takers?

I need someone that can help new members sort how to use various forum functions. So if you have some previous experience with moderating a vB forum, you're already a car length out on everyone else. I need someone that can do it with kindness and condescension. I can be rude and brusque enough for sixty people :eek:, so we need someone with a lot of patience.

Back to the auctions -

Do we need a separate auction forum? Will that make things easier for everyone?

I think there is one running in the RPM forum at present, so will someone flag me up when I need to get involved? :shifty:

My cheetie is stomping her feet, wanting fed, there's mail needing attention, a forum that needs work and on top of all that, my stomach thinks my throat's been cut. I'm outa here...
keeper, no fowl, we have to talk about this to make improvments. now we all know what's what.

I still think there should only be one auction item at a time. Everyone who donates an item wants that item to make as much as possible. The items will most times get a better price when there is no competition from other items. The object of this exercise is to make as much money for the forum as possible.

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